While they are both sleeping....
We went to the allergy specialist today and Isaiah has to go and get bloodwork done. We are hopefully going to do that later today. Then it will take two weeks to get the results back.
We have to get bloodwork instead of a skin test since his allergic reaction to nuts was pretty bad. And they dont mess around with nuts.
I will let you know when I get the results. Until then....we need to clear all nuts out of the house (just incase our monkey can find them!...His newest climbing place is into Hope's playpen....we need to stop that one ASAP!!)
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Hope Therese was Baptized Today
Today Hope was baptized in Santa Monica at our church St. Monica's. Monsignor baptized her. My mom is her godmother and Randy is her godfather. It was a small baptism, but it was very nice and personal. Aunt Dani and Makenzie came down for the day. It was so great to have them there.
Here are some pictures of everyone. Wish you all could have been there! We all went out to lunch after at Cafe Montana and then we came back to our house for cake. What a busy day...we are all exhausted!

Here are some pictures of everyone. Wish you all could have been there! We all went out to lunch after at Cafe Montana and then we came back to our house for cake. What a busy day...we are all exhausted!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Shopping Trip
My favorite children's store just opened today in our mall here in Valencia. So of course I had to go....especially since my Mom was here and I dont think I will be out shopping by myself for awhile.
So we were there a few minutes before it opened and I honestly could have bought the whole store but had to remind myself that Isaiah and Hope have a lot aleady....and I will be shopping again soon.
AND the best part....eventually when we move somewhere and this store is not near us....they are finally going to have an online store in the USA...yeah!
Click here to check out the store!
So we were there a few minutes before it opened and I honestly could have bought the whole store but had to remind myself that Isaiah and Hope have a lot aleady....and I will be shopping again soon.
AND the best part....eventually when we move somewhere and this store is not near us....they are finally going to have an online store in the USA...yeah!
Click here to check out the store!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
My Diet
So I thought that I would not be able to eat hardly anything when I was told to cut milk, eggs, soy, fish, shellfish, nuts, and peanuts. You would not believe how many things have soy in them.
However....I have found that some of the foods that I already eat were ok and I found some more that I like. I also tried rice milk....and it is pretty good...the chocolate one of course...I havent tried the vanilla yet. But I can eat cookies, bread, meats, fruits, coffee (no cream of course) cereal (no milk....unless i like it with rice milk when I try it), vegtables and pasta. I just cannot eat out at a restaurant since I do not know what they marinate their meat in. So it is not really as bad as I thought it was going to be.
And I do have to say that I see an improvement in Hope already. When she is awake....she is actually happy and not fussing all the time. She is spitting up a lot more but that is because we switched her medicine.....and the first day she projectile vomited 4 times....it was horrible. But the medicine will take 2 weeks to fully kick in. So just pray that each day she gets better and better.
However....I have found that some of the foods that I already eat were ok and I found some more that I like. I also tried rice milk....and it is pretty good...the chocolate one of course...I havent tried the vanilla yet. But I can eat cookies, bread, meats, fruits, coffee (no cream of course) cereal (no milk....unless i like it with rice milk when I try it), vegtables and pasta. I just cannot eat out at a restaurant since I do not know what they marinate their meat in. So it is not really as bad as I thought it was going to be.
And I do have to say that I see an improvement in Hope already. When she is awake....she is actually happy and not fussing all the time. She is spitting up a lot more but that is because we switched her medicine.....and the first day she projectile vomited 4 times....it was horrible. But the medicine will take 2 weeks to fully kick in. So just pray that each day she gets better and better.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
New Pictures
Update on Hope
What a day yesterday was!!
First our power went out, Jill was coming over, I ordered groceries to be delivered by noon, and Isaiah needed to nap....but he goes down listening to music. So I had to wait until the delivery man came...then drive him around and carry him in the house....but of course go around since I couldn't open the garage door. Fun stuff!
When I called in the morning to set up an appointment for Hope....they could see us at 11 or 4:45. I couldn't do the 11 since we had a crazy morning so we took the 4:45. We never know how traffic is going to be so we left at 3:30 and we were there by 4. We did not see the doctor until 5:30. Isaiah was such a good boy...walking around the waiting room....waving to everyone. He was so patient.
The doctor started to ask me a lot of questions about Hope and her bowels. He asked if she had blood in her stools....which I said no. Then he asked how many times she poops a day. And if with every diaper change if she has a streak of poop in it....which she does. He asked if I had a sample...which I did not....So he opened her diaper and there was a streak. It was enough for him to test. So he tested it and it turned blue meaning she did have blood in her stool....Wow I had no idea!! So he said that she is probably allergic to something I am eating and....I have 3 options:
1. Go on a strict diet...no milk, soy, nuts, peanuts, eggs, fish, or shellfish
2. Put her on formula and pump for 2 weeks
3. Get a colonoscopy
So I decided to do the first one. Since the 3rd one is horrible and the 2nd one I have no time to do....like I have time to pump and feed her a bottle and take care of her and Isaiah....Ha ha!
Then we had to go down to the lab to get her jaundice tested (although she was not a jaundice baby) and a hemoglobin test (to make sure she is not becoming anemic since she has blood in her stools.) Isaiah did not like when they put a bandage on her foot so my mom took him outside while I stayed with Hope for the tests. I couldn't even watch them....I just looked straight at Hope. Poor little thing....they had to take a ton of blood from her little foot. Where is her dad for this stuff??
Then we had to find a place to eat! We were all staving and poor Isaiah hadn't eaten dinner and it was 6:00. So we found a place quickly and ate. Of course what could I eat after hearing about my diet! Then we had to drive home....which amazingly we did not hit traffic!! I couldn't believe it. But we did not want Isaiah to fall asleep so we put on a show for him....thank God for our van!
We were all exhausted and went to bed as soon as Isaiah fell asleep!
So we have to go back in 2 weeks and find out if that is the problem. If it is then I have to decide if I want to continue with the diet or put her on a special formula.
I have been reading up on all of this and if she does have allergies it is from a milk, soy, protein intolerance....and it makes her reflux so much worse.
So pray we can figure this out and I can figure out what to eat...Ha ha! I know Dave can't wait to get home to go shopping at Whole Foods for me. Ha ha!
First our power went out, Jill was coming over, I ordered groceries to be delivered by noon, and Isaiah needed to nap....but he goes down listening to music. So I had to wait until the delivery man came...then drive him around and carry him in the house....but of course go around since I couldn't open the garage door. Fun stuff!
When I called in the morning to set up an appointment for Hope....they could see us at 11 or 4:45. I couldn't do the 11 since we had a crazy morning so we took the 4:45. We never know how traffic is going to be so we left at 3:30 and we were there by 4. We did not see the doctor until 5:30. Isaiah was such a good boy...walking around the waiting room....waving to everyone. He was so patient.
The doctor started to ask me a lot of questions about Hope and her bowels. He asked if she had blood in her stools....which I said no. Then he asked how many times she poops a day. And if with every diaper change if she has a streak of poop in it....which she does. He asked if I had a sample...which I did not....So he opened her diaper and there was a streak. It was enough for him to test. So he tested it and it turned blue meaning she did have blood in her stool....Wow I had no idea!! So he said that she is probably allergic to something I am eating and....I have 3 options:
1. Go on a strict diet...no milk, soy, nuts, peanuts, eggs, fish, or shellfish
2. Put her on formula and pump for 2 weeks
3. Get a colonoscopy
So I decided to do the first one. Since the 3rd one is horrible and the 2nd one I have no time to do....like I have time to pump and feed her a bottle and take care of her and Isaiah....Ha ha!
Then we had to go down to the lab to get her jaundice tested (although she was not a jaundice baby) and a hemoglobin test (to make sure she is not becoming anemic since she has blood in her stools.) Isaiah did not like when they put a bandage on her foot so my mom took him outside while I stayed with Hope for the tests. I couldn't even watch them....I just looked straight at Hope. Poor little thing....they had to take a ton of blood from her little foot. Where is her dad for this stuff??
Then we had to find a place to eat! We were all staving and poor Isaiah hadn't eaten dinner and it was 6:00. So we found a place quickly and ate. Of course what could I eat after hearing about my diet! Then we had to drive home....which amazingly we did not hit traffic!! I couldn't believe it. But we did not want Isaiah to fall asleep so we put on a show for him....thank God for our van!
We were all exhausted and went to bed as soon as Isaiah fell asleep!
So we have to go back in 2 weeks and find out if that is the problem. If it is then I have to decide if I want to continue with the diet or put her on a special formula.
I have been reading up on all of this and if she does have allergies it is from a milk, soy, protein intolerance....and it makes her reflux so much worse.
So pray we can figure this out and I can figure out what to eat...Ha ha! I know Dave can't wait to get home to go shopping at Whole Foods for me. Ha ha!
Monday, April 23, 2007
GI Specialist
We are taking Hope to a GI Specialist this afternoon. I will let you know what happens but....hopefully we will figure out how to make her feel better=) Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers this afternoon! Thanks!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Friday Night Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Socha came over for dinner tonight. They just got back from Florida this week after celebrating Cade's birthday. They brought Isaiah home a hat, t-shirt, baseball and bat. He LOVES them. He walked around all night playing with them. They also brought Hope a dress....but she will have to grow into before I can post it on here!

Prayer Request for Mrs. Socha (my mother-in-law)
What a week. They always say that bad things always happen in 3's. Well here are our 3 for the week.
1. Hope is diagonsed with acid reflux,
2. Isaiah has an allergic reaction to nuts and
3. My mother-in-law has been diagonsed with early stages of breast cancer.
Dave sent this email today to family and friends and I am asking for all of your prayers as well.
1. Hope is diagonsed with acid reflux,
2. Isaiah has an allergic reaction to nuts and
3. My mother-in-law has been diagonsed with early stages of breast cancer.
Dave sent this email today to family and friends and I am asking for all of your prayers as well.
Friends and family in Christ,
This is an e-mail that I had hoped I would not have to send...However, we must believe that everything works together for God's glory.
This is an e-mail that I had hoped I would not have to send...However, we must believe that everything works together for God's glory.
I would implore you to pray and storm heaven for my mom.(Jeanette) She was diagnosed with early stage Breast Cancer. They won't know for sure until the surgery, but, that is the diagnoses for now.
I would ask that you pray for my mom to have a leading of the Holy Spirit on which treatment is best. I would also ask that you pray for healing and strength.
Most of you know my mom, and feel free to contact her with encouraging words, prayers, etc...
As believers, this is the most important thing we can do for her--PRAYER!
Thank-you so much,
Love in the Lord,
Thank-you so much,
Love in the Lord,
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Sorry it took me so long to update my blog. Isaiah is doing fine. His rash was really bad all of that day and he was really out of it....But the next morning his rash was all gone and he was doing much better. He was a little crabby that day but back to himself by Wednesday.
We called the doctor and got a prescription for an epipen. I hope I never have to use it! But we have to have it because Isaiah does not like to take any medication....he spits it right out. We also are going to see an allergist on April 30th....I am not sure exactly what they are going to do but I am sure they will do some blood tests.
My friend Carolyn that I used to work with...her sister's little boy had an allergic reaction to cashews too...and they found out he was just allergic to tree nuts not peanuts....but he is also allergic to tropical fruits too....I dont know if that is common??
Hope has become more fussy over the past few days and I am not sure if the medicine is helping. It is supposed to get rid of the pain and I am not sure if that is why she is crying more now. We may have to switch her medicine.
We called the doctor and got a prescription for an epipen. I hope I never have to use it! But we have to have it because Isaiah does not like to take any medication....he spits it right out. We also are going to see an allergist on April 30th....I am not sure exactly what they are going to do but I am sure they will do some blood tests.
My friend Carolyn that I used to work with...her sister's little boy had an allergic reaction to cashews too...and they found out he was just allergic to tree nuts not peanuts....but he is also allergic to tropical fruits too....I dont know if that is common??
Hope has become more fussy over the past few days and I am not sure if the medicine is helping. It is supposed to get rid of the pain and I am not sure if that is why she is crying more now. We may have to switch her medicine.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Isaiah is Allergic to Nuts
Well...we had a very scary morning today. Dave made a shake like he usually does in the morning but today decided to put nuts on it. Isaiah always has a few sips of his shake. So he did and then came over and sat next to me while I was eating breakfast. He had a bite of my muffin and then started to spit it out like he didn't like it. He started to cough like something was stuck in his throat and then got down off the bench.
Dave was about to take him for a walk and we noticed his face had a rash around his mouth (which is not to unusual for him because he gets this from a lot of foods) but a few seconds later...his lips started to blow up and he puked everywhere.
Dave called 911 and I started looking for the Benadryl. Dave was calm and I was the one throwing medicine out of the cupboard.
It seemed like forever for the paramedics to get here....it was a least 5 minutes. We met them outside and Isaiah loved the fire truck. They took Isaiah and Dave to the hospital in the ambulance. I had to watch them drive away....it was so sad. I got changed really quick and checked on Hope. My mom told me to go to the hospital and she would call when Hope started fussing to eat. (Good thing the hospital is right down the street and my mom was here to take care of Hope).
When I got there I heard him crying and I went in and had to hold him while they took his temperature (rectal). He had hives all over his face and body and was itching his hands and crying. Then they tried to give him Benadryl....which he spit out so they had to call another nurse in. Dave had to hold Isaiah down while I blew in his face and the nurse put the medicine in his mouth. Within minutes his swelling went down and his rash was getting better. Then he was tired. I got him to sleep and then had to leave to go and feed Hope.
Dave called while I was at home and told me that Isaiah threw up again and to bring both of them a change of clothes. When I returned Isaiah was still sleeping and his face looked better. Then we were able to go home.
We gave Isaiah a bath to get all the puke off of him....and his rash looked worse. But the doctor said that it may get worse but should go away later. Isaiah was starting to scratch it so we put him down for a nap. Hopefully when he wakes up it will be gone....otherwise we will have to give him another dose of Benadryl.
It has been a very busy and scary morning! Thank you for the prayers! We will keep you posted on everything.
Dave was about to take him for a walk and we noticed his face had a rash around his mouth (which is not to unusual for him because he gets this from a lot of foods) but a few seconds later...his lips started to blow up and he puked everywhere.
Dave called 911 and I started looking for the Benadryl. Dave was calm and I was the one throwing medicine out of the cupboard.
It seemed like forever for the paramedics to get here....it was a least 5 minutes. We met them outside and Isaiah loved the fire truck. They took Isaiah and Dave to the hospital in the ambulance. I had to watch them drive away....it was so sad. I got changed really quick and checked on Hope. My mom told me to go to the hospital and she would call when Hope started fussing to eat. (Good thing the hospital is right down the street and my mom was here to take care of Hope).
When I got there I heard him crying and I went in and had to hold him while they took his temperature (rectal). He had hives all over his face and body and was itching his hands and crying. Then they tried to give him Benadryl....which he spit out so they had to call another nurse in. Dave had to hold Isaiah down while I blew in his face and the nurse put the medicine in his mouth. Within minutes his swelling went down and his rash was getting better. Then he was tired. I got him to sleep and then had to leave to go and feed Hope.
Dave called while I was at home and told me that Isaiah threw up again and to bring both of them a change of clothes. When I returned Isaiah was still sleeping and his face looked better. Then we were able to go home.
We gave Isaiah a bath to get all the puke off of him....and his rash looked worse. But the doctor said that it may get worse but should go away later. Isaiah was starting to scratch it so we put him down for a nap. Hopefully when he wakes up it will be gone....otherwise we will have to give him another dose of Benadryl.
It has been a very busy and scary morning! Thank you for the prayers! We will keep you posted on everything.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Happy Birthday Mom!!
Today is my Mom's birthday and she is out here spending it with us! I am sure my Dad and sisters miss her...but oh well...they cant have her back yet! She is such a huge help here....Maybe she will never go back!! Ha ha!

D has a meeting tomorrow with a company (cannot disclose the name) but....please pray that the meeting goes well. It is a meeting about financial issues....and that is all the information d will let me tell you=) So please keep him in your thoughts tomorrow! Thanks!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Acid Reflux
Well....Hope has acid reflux. She has been getting worse everyday. Poor little thing. We called the doctor yesterday and they called in a prescription of Zantac for her. We picked it up today and gave her her first dose around 2pm. Then she puked up everything she ate....it was a lot!
Dani and Gary are down here visiting and they went through the exact same thing with Makenzie. So they have been giving us pointers. What great timing for them to come down. They told us not to put pressure on her tummy when burping her, when to give her the medicine, to try mylicon before feeding her (which we haven't tried yet) and lots more. So any other pointers would be appreiciated!
We also thought that she had a cold because she had a runny nose and was all congested but...the milk was coming out her nose and got into her sinuses and now it is just trying to get out.
The pharamist told us that we should see results within a day....but definitely by 3 days.
She has been sleeping a lot today....but her last feeding she did not spit up. Please pray that it gets better and for healing! And that she grows out of it quickly! It is scary!
Dani and Gary are down here visiting and they went through the exact same thing with Makenzie. So they have been giving us pointers. What great timing for them to come down. They told us not to put pressure on her tummy when burping her, when to give her the medicine, to try mylicon before feeding her (which we haven't tried yet) and lots more. So any other pointers would be appreiciated!
We also thought that she had a cold because she had a runny nose and was all congested but...the milk was coming out her nose and got into her sinuses and now it is just trying to get out.
The pharamist told us that we should see results within a day....but definitely by 3 days.
She has been sleeping a lot today....but her last feeding she did not spit up. Please pray that it gets better and for healing! And that she grows out of it quickly! It is scary!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Two Week Check Up
Today was Hope's two week check up. She is now 8lbs. 11oz....what a chunk...haha! She is almost was Isaiah weighed at birth!
She looks great and is healthy the doctor said....but she may have reflux. I have to watch her over the next week or so and see if the spitting up gets worse and I have to have her sleep upright...so either in her car seat or swing. If it does get worse...we will have to go see a GI specialist and put her on medication...and you all know how d feels about medicine!
Let's pray she gets better...although it seems to get worse everyday.
She looks great and is healthy the doctor said....but she may have reflux. I have to watch her over the next week or so and see if the spitting up gets worse and I have to have her sleep upright...so either in her car seat or swing. If it does get worse...we will have to go see a GI specialist and put her on medication...and you all know how d feels about medicine!
Let's pray she gets better...although it seems to get worse everyday.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Please Pray
I should have wrote this entry sooner but didn't think about it.
Tomorrow morning we are going to the doctor for Hope's two week check up. (I can't believe she is already two weeks old!) Anyway...she is a very good baby however....I haven't been getting too much sleep at night. Every time she eats...she burps a lot but....when I finally lay her down you can hear her start to choke and I have to pick her up and she gets milk coming out her mouth and nose. During the day is not so bad because I can hear her right away or I can hold her in an upright position for awhile after she eats. But at night when I am half asleep or exhausted...and I hear her choke...it is so scary that I jump up and grab her. I keep wondering if I am not going to hear her....it is horrible.
D thinks I should let her sleep on her stomach but I am afraid to since the whole SIDS scare (although I do put her on her side).
So...tomorrow we go to the doctor and I am praying that she doesn't have acid reflux like her cousin Makenzie (although she already outgrew it). So please keep us in your thoughts tomorrow morning. I will keep you all posted.
Tomorrow morning we are going to the doctor for Hope's two week check up. (I can't believe she is already two weeks old!) Anyway...she is a very good baby however....I haven't been getting too much sleep at night. Every time she eats...she burps a lot but....when I finally lay her down you can hear her start to choke and I have to pick her up and she gets milk coming out her mouth and nose. During the day is not so bad because I can hear her right away or I can hold her in an upright position for awhile after she eats. But at night when I am half asleep or exhausted...and I hear her choke...it is so scary that I jump up and grab her. I keep wondering if I am not going to hear her....it is horrible.
D thinks I should let her sleep on her stomach but I am afraid to since the whole SIDS scare (although I do put her on her side).
So...tomorrow we go to the doctor and I am praying that she doesn't have acid reflux like her cousin Makenzie (although she already outgrew it). So please keep us in your thoughts tomorrow morning. I will keep you all posted.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Happy Easter!
We hope everyone had a blessed Easter Sunday.
Our Easter morning was very hectic. I was up at 5:30am...since Hope woke up to eat and I stayed up. We had to leave our house at 8am to go down to Santa Monica for 9:30 mass. We had to leave early since there were 3 masses going on at the same time.
We did get everyone ready and out the door at 8am (good thing I got things organized last night or we would have never been on time!) And good thing Grandma is here to help get everyone ready too....an extra set of hands is always nice! Mr. and Mrs. Socha also came with us.
When we arrived at church...the line was sooo long with people waiting to get in. So we decided to go to the mass in the gym. It was a great decision since there were a lot of kids there and it was probably more noisy than in the church. Isaiah was an angel thoughout the entire mass. I think it was something different...not to mention the amazing music and lots of it. He loves music! Hope slept through the whole noisy mass! I guess she is used to noise from her brother!
Then we went out to lunch....we used to go to this place on 3rd street all the time but havent been there in awhile since Isaiah's new naptime. We called on the way there and they were dead. We were lucky! Every other place I am sure was packed. We had a great brunch and then headed home.
Mr. and Mrs. Socha came back over later on today to have Easter dinner. Mrs. Socha prepared the whole dinner....well D did too. I didn't do anything! It was nice and the food was delicious!
We are all exhausted...especially Isaiah who only napped about 45 minutes today...Poor little guy. D is putting him to bed right now.
I was going to post pictures of our Easter....but you will all have to wait since I decided to use them for Hope's birth announcements. You should be getting them next week. I had to threaten Mrs. Socha not to send any pictures to anyone! Ha ha!
Our Easter morning was very hectic. I was up at 5:30am...since Hope woke up to eat and I stayed up. We had to leave our house at 8am to go down to Santa Monica for 9:30 mass. We had to leave early since there were 3 masses going on at the same time.
We did get everyone ready and out the door at 8am (good thing I got things organized last night or we would have never been on time!) And good thing Grandma is here to help get everyone ready too....an extra set of hands is always nice! Mr. and Mrs. Socha also came with us.
When we arrived at church...the line was sooo long with people waiting to get in. So we decided to go to the mass in the gym. It was a great decision since there were a lot of kids there and it was probably more noisy than in the church. Isaiah was an angel thoughout the entire mass. I think it was something different...not to mention the amazing music and lots of it. He loves music! Hope slept through the whole noisy mass! I guess she is used to noise from her brother!
Then we went out to lunch....we used to go to this place on 3rd street all the time but havent been there in awhile since Isaiah's new naptime. We called on the way there and they were dead. We were lucky! Every other place I am sure was packed. We had a great brunch and then headed home.
Mr. and Mrs. Socha came back over later on today to have Easter dinner. Mrs. Socha prepared the whole dinner....well D did too. I didn't do anything! It was nice and the food was delicious!
We are all exhausted...especially Isaiah who only napped about 45 minutes today...Poor little guy. D is putting him to bed right now.
I was going to post pictures of our Easter....but you will all have to wait since I decided to use them for Hope's birth announcements. You should be getting them next week. I had to threaten Mrs. Socha not to send any pictures to anyone! Ha ha!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Grandpa Joe's Visit
My dad...AKA Grandpa Joe....just left yesterday after being here for a week. He came at just the right time. He was more help than he knows. It was great to have an extra person to help while we adjusted the first week...especially since I was not supposed to be doing a lot. He was Isaiah's playmate all week...and Isaiah LOVED it! Here are some pictures of us together and Grandpa Joe and Isaiah playing!

Isaiah and Grandpa Joe's tower! Isaiah loves to build and is getting really good at it all by himself!

Isaiah passed out after playing all day....he would not wake up to anything!
Our first outing out to Target today! I just caught a smile....how cute! It went pretty well....Hope slept through the whole thing and Isaiah actually stayed in the stroller. It was a little crazy trying to use the stroller for the first time....that thing is pretty heavy...I should have some good arm muscles soon from lifting that thing...Ha ha!
I know it looks like Hope is in the background....I was trying to hold Isaiah still for a picture...he was not happy about getting his picture taken.
Sorry for so many pictures but this is the only way that I am sending pictures so that I dont have to send them more than once =)
Isaiah and Grandpa Joe's tower! Isaiah loves to build and is getting really good at it all by himself!
Isaiah passed out after playing all day....he would not wake up to anything!
Sorry for so many pictures but this is the only way that I am sending pictures so that I dont have to send them more than once =)
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