Tuesday, July 31, 2007

This Past Weekend...

...was Mr. Socha's birthday. So Dani, Gary, and Makenzie came down to celebrate with us. On their way down Mak got sick! =( They ended up staying at the hotel the whole weekend and we only saw Dani for dinner and lunch! Poor thing!

Isaiah was upset he couldn't play with his cousin. We were talking about her all week long....and he was so excited! That's OK...we will have to plan a trip to see them soon....now that Mak is walking they will have so much fun together.

They got home last night and she is feeling better now. Thank God!

BUT we did go to Lake Piru without them. Jaja rented a boat for the day. It was so beautiful there. Isaiah loved it and Hope loved the car...haha! She doesn't do too well with the wind so she couldn't go on. Dave and I took turns with Isaiah on the boat. He didn't say two words when he was on with Dave. With me, he was starting to get more daring....and walk around. He loved watching everything else that was going on (the other boats, tubing, and people swimming). He is such a curious little boy and really takes everything in.

Maybe when the kiddos are a little older we will have to get a boat. Isaiah is such an outdoors kiddo. He loves everything that envolves the outdoors....boating, riding the tractor, four wheeling, swimming, playing on the playground, sports, etc....He is definitely all boy! Hopefully Hope will love the outdoors too since that is where her brother will be!

Monday, July 30, 2007

4 Month Doctor's Appointment

Can you believe Hope is already 4 months?? She is getting so big! She is 13 lbs 10 oz and 25 inches! She is so long....she has grown 5 inches in 4 months....that's a lot of growing!

It was a crazy appointment. I had her asleep right before we left but as soon as I put her in her car seat she woke up. Then she was almost asleep again and we get called back and I have to strip her down to weigh her. Then she was sleeping when Dr. Brian came in and he had to check her. After Dr. Brian left and we were waiting for the nurse to come and give her her shots...Hop started to lose it. She was so tired and getting hungry. So I opened the door and asked another nurse how much longer?? She said they hadn't even pulled her shots but would go and get the rototeq since it is the oral one so she can eat then. So she took that and then ate.....and of course fell sleep only to wake up to 4 very painful shots!!! Poor thing. She only cried for a minute and then went back to sleep. She is a tough little girl...well she has to be with her big brother around! Hopefully she will sleep well today so she won't remember her shots!

Dave and Isaiah stayed home. Dave gave him lunch and put him up for his nap (which he never does since he is at work)...but he did great!!

He always says he is a single dad....but I told him I am a single mom too!! We are always with one kid and the other one is with the other kid so we always think we are single parents when really we are a team....a family!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Our Kiddos

Here are some recent photos of the kiddos since I haven't posted any in awhile. I will eventually post a picture of the crib tent...i just have to remember to take it. Isaiah is either going to sleep or just waking up when I remember and he just wants to get out.

Here is the chair that we bought for Hope. It is supposed to help her sit up on her own. The only problem is every time I put her in the chair she pukes! Poor thing.

OH and the other problem is that Isaiah thinks it is his chair! He loves to sit in it but gets stuck! He must not care that it is pink! Ha ha! (I love both of their faces in this one!)

Hope loves her exersaucer! (Although she pukes in this one too...but not as much!)
Isaiah loves his Popsicles!
Isaiah posing for a picture. He is too funny!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


My sister-in-law Carrie introduced me to these tickers awhile ago....if you remember we counted down to my due date. Anyway...I put them at the bottom of my blog page to remind me of how old my kiddos are. They are growing way too fast! I can't believe that Isaiah is 20 months and Hope is 4 months! Time really does fly!

Isaiah has a cold and his nose is running like a faucet. It is a fight every time I have to wipe it....but it needs to be wiped. Poor little thing...if only he could blow it.

But they are actually both napping so I am going to try to nap too! We're not getting much sleep around here!

Monday, July 23, 2007

2 Weeks and 4 Stores Later....

We finally broke down and bought a crib tent. Isaiah is not ready for is big boy bed.....and neither were we. Dave was with him all night long and no one was really getting any sleep besides Hope!

So we went to buy the tent yesterday. The first store didn't carry them. Then the next store was out and the third store was closed. So we finally found it at Toys R US.

I put it together last night and then we let Isaiah play in there. He thought it was fun....of course until bed time came. He did cry for a little while but went to sleep and slept until 3:30! Then we were all up. Hope ate and then was really gassy so Dave took her when I went to Isaiah's room. I probably should have left him but since it was the first night I went in.....but I couldn't get him back in bed then. So he ended up in bed with me because Dave had a 4:30 call and I couldn't leave Hope alone (with the whole choking thing).

So I finally got Isaiah back to sleep at 4:45am and then of course Hope starts crabbing. So I had her until 6:30 when Dave finally relieved me....and Isaiah and I slept until 7:45am!!!

Then I tried our old routine again for nap time...and it took him 45 minutes to go to sleep and a little complaining....but he did fall asleep and is still sleeping!

I pray that we all start to get some sleep around here again!!! I hope Isaiah likes his tent!!

BY THE WAY...if you caught Dave's Fox News interview....it went great....However, they were showing the wrong product. The dolls were his but the little figurines were not. Oh well...at least the name of his company and website were on.

ALSO...if you missed Night Line when he was on....go here and see it! (It is on the left hand side.)

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Dave will be on today at 11:30 (California Time). He will be live!!! God luck D!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

What's New Here

Well...Hope found her feet. She looks so cute playing with them. She hasn't tried to put them in her mouth yet...but I am sure that is coming soon.

Isaiah...he is just too funny. One day a few months ago...there was a fly in the house. Since we don't have a fly swatter I was using a towel to try and catch him. So now everyday we spend about 20 minutes (2 or 3 times a day) with Isaiah pulling out a towel and going fly hunting. He is so cute. We do have flies in our house everyday because some anonymous person leaves the door open a little too long and in they fly. I must kill at least one a day. I hate them because they land on me and the kids...yuck!!

Dave has been very busy at work with all the press they are receiving. (Not that he is spending less time with his family....he always makes sure we come first and that he can play with his kids everyday!) He will be on ABC world news tonight (last night they did a quick preview of the story). And his toys will be on The View next week...Those darn reporters...they switch dates on us all the time. But I will have to say that all this press did do some good with Dave and his Walmart problem! Thank God!

Me...well just trying to get everyone on some type of routine. Isaiah is sleeping in his bed but Dave is usually on the floor most of the night so we will be buying a crib tent this weekend. I am sure Isaiah wont like it but I would like my husband back! Ha ha! Not much else...just playing catch up since we were gone for 3 weeks and lots of doctor's appointments. Other than that...we are all doing well and are very happy and grateful for this time in our lives (even if we are all a little tired some days! =)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Update on ABC

D's story was pre-empted tonight...I will let you know if it runs at a different time!

OK it is going to air tomorrow, but they are going to show previews tonight!

My Husband

Dave is such an amazing husband and father, as you all already know if you read my blog or have met him.

BUT now he is amazing to many other parents and other people's children because of his new line of toys.

As most of you know he has a small toy company, Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Co. He also created a Christian toy company called one2believe. He has created dolls and action figures for children that represent people in the bible so that children can learn about stories in the bible.

He started this a few years ago and his line of toys and dolls are growing. He also was only able to sell these to churches or small stores. NOW walmart is picking up these toys to test in their stores AND this is causing Dave to get a lot of press.

Hopefully these products will do well and many children will come to know more about the Bible. As Dave says...These were ordinary people that God chose to be superheroes for us.

We love you and may God continue to bless your company!

ABC Nightly News

D will be on tonight at 6:30!! Watch him if you can.

AND his toys will be on "The View" tomorrow!!!

How exciting! I can't wait to watch him.

He was on our local news yesterday and Isaiah loved watching him. He kept looking at the tv asking for his da! So cute!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I have a new little niece!

My sister-in-law Carrie, had her baby today (which was her actually due date).

Monica Antonia Socha 8 lbs 3 oz. 19 inches born at 2:27pm on 7/17/07.

I hear she looks like Ana. We can't wait to meet her. I am sure Carrie will post some pictures soon. So check out her blog if you want to see baby Monica!!

Congrats Doug, Carrie, Cade, Camryn, and Ana!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

USA Today

Dont know if you saw this today...but check it out! Great Job D!! We love you!

Friday, July 13, 2007


It is hard not having Isaiah nap in his crib/bed. The past few days were great where he would just cuddle up next to me and fall asleep on the couch. But yesterday he would not fall asleep. He finally crashed at 3:15 and then we kept trying to wake him up but he wouldn't until 6pm!! So....he didn't go to bed until 10...which is so unlike us.

Today I finally got him to nap at 1. I can get him down if Hope cooperates with us. She either needs to be sleeping or in her chair or swing. That way I can lay next to him, give him his milk, and read him some books until he falls asleep. I definitely miss his crib. It was so nice just to put him in there and walk away knowing he was safe and that he would take a good nap.

We finally put Hope's crib together. The poor thing was still sleeping in her bassinet which she was too long for. It took forever to put her crib together but it looks great....although we have to return her crib mattress. It is too small for the crib...who knew they made different sizes. She did sleep in her crib last night. It was an adjustment for her but hopefully she will like it and will start sleeping longer through the night. I think when she slid down her mat and touched the bottom of her bassinet it was waking her up. We will see.

Dave has had some issues at work this week.....so he has not been sleeping good.The saying "when it rains, it pours" is definitely true. Please keep him and his company in your prayers. (I will explain more later =)
Have to run...Hope is awake....it was a nice 15 minute break!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Our trip in pictures

Well here they are. I couldn't post all the pictures I took....there would be way too many. So here are some of the highlights of our trip!

My parent's surprise anniversary party!!

Thanks for dressing up Kerri!! Ha Ha!!
Isaiah loved driving!! Grandpa will have to buy him is own someday!! (Not for awhile though!)
Isaiah in the sprinkler...he loved it. Probably because the water is warm!

He was so tired....he passed out here for a few hours and my dad got stuck next to him!
My friend Jen and her daughter Maddie...She is also the one who just had a baby boy Jack Griffin!

Isaiah also loved Grandpa's tractor! And he didn't care who drove him as long as he could drive!

The girls in Florida...just missing Makenzie!! =)
Hope's first bathing suit! Isn't she the cutest!
This is probably the only time they weren't fighting...when they were watching a show!
Wow...the girls can actually eat with no kids on their laps....Well, Carrie was holding Hope!

The 4th of July. Isaiah had a fever and passed out on the bed.
Right next to his sister!

Home at last with all my toys!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I know I know...

I know that I said that I would post pictures over the weekend...but our weekend flew by.

With Isaiah not napping in his crib and Hope being really cranky... I didnt have a chance to blog.

Isaiah is now in his big boy bed. Dave has been staying with him until he falls asleep and then comes to bed. Then he goes in when he wakes up. He has not slept through the night again since we have been home. For naps....I have been letting him take them downstairs on the couch. When he is tired...he asks for his milk and we lay down on the couch together. He even sleeps through all the noise of phone calls, Hope crying and talking. Can you believe it??

Hope has been very crabby and pukey the past few days. We called her specialist last week but he was on vacation so we decided to wait until Moday to call him but....when he didnt answer and had a full mailbox we called his urgent doctor on call. She did increase Hope's medicine so hopefully that will help. Poor thing!

Hope rolled over today!!! Yeah!!! I usually do not put her on the ground because when she lays flat she chokes on her spit up or when you pick her up she spits up. But...I decided to put her on her mat to see what she would do. She gets up on her side from her back but cant get over yet although she tries. But when I put her on her stomach...she actually lifted her head up great (which she wasnt doing before we left) and then all the sudden over she went. She is so wiggly that I knew she would roll before Isaiah did.

I will try and post pictures soon!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Or should I say 2 babies!

My friend Jill also had a baby yesterday! She had a little girl Liliana 7lbs. 6 oz. and 19 in. She is beautiful! I stopped by the hospital to see them...she is so tiny. I don't think my babies ever looked that small.

Oh and Presley is also climbing out of her crib....They must have talked and planned it together! Ha ha!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Finally a baby

It feels like I wrote about all my pregant friends a long time ago.....And now finally one has had their baby.

My friend Jen in Buffalo had a little boy....Jack 6lbs. 14oz. (that's all I know so far)

Congrats Jen!!! I can't wait to see him and meet him!

So now I am waiting for my sister-in-law, Carrie and my friends Jill and Karen. I will keep you updated and post pictures whenever I get them!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Oh I forgot to mention

It took me 3 hours to unpack and clean this morning and i am still not done!!! Mostly just laundry left. Dave is such an amazing husband and father!! He knew it would drive me nuts to see all that stuff sit around all day so.since we were we up early (Isaiah and D at 4:30 and me and Hope at 6)...he let me do it this morning while he watched the kids and cleaned out the fridge.

Then he went to work and I had the kids by myself again. It has been awhile since I have had both on my own. So I tried to get back into my schedule with them. i put Isaiah down for a nap like I used to. I knew he would cry but Hope was crying downstairs. So I kept checking on him on the monitor while I was putting Hope to sleep and talking to my mom on the phone. Then all of the sudden....his cry got louder and when I went to check on him on the monitor....I couldn't find him. So I went up the stairs and there he was....standing at the top crying. I couldn't believe it!! The gate was open but he just stayed at the top. Thank God that he did not fall down them. I don't know how he climbed out so we will have to watch tonight when we put him in.

So that is our next challenge....will he sleep in a toddler bed??? I know that he will keep getting out. What are we going to do??? Any suggestions??

So needless to say....he did not take a nap then. He finally fell asleep on the couch at 2 on me and he is still sleeping right now. Poor little guy! I am sure he is jet lagged. Hopefully he will sleep good tonight! I will keep you posted!

We're Home!!!

Well...we are finally home after 3 weeks. It was a longggggg vacation but we had a great time despite Isaiah not sleeping very well. Dave and I have not slept in the same bed since the night before we left. He takes Isaiah and I take Hope....I hope that will change now that we are home.

So here is an update on all we have done....sorry I never had a chance while we were gone!

We went to Buffalo for 2 weeks....here are some things we did there.

* I weaned Hope!!! Yeah...she is doing so great! And I am loving all the foods that I can eat again...I probably gained a few pounds but oh well.

*We threw a surprise 30th anniversary party for my parents. They were really surprised since there anniversary isn't until July 22nd....but we wouldn't be there to celebrate. I wish I would have had my camera to catch my mom's face when she walked in....it was priceless.

* We got to see some family and friends. Sorry if we didn't catch up with you. It was hard this time to get Isaiah on east coast time and he was crabby A LOT! We decided next time to invite everyone to my parents house next time instead of us runny around with two little ones!!

* Isaiah LOVED driving the four wheelers and the tractor with Grandpa Joe! He loves the outdoors....and his grandpa!

* Isaiah went in a sprinkler for the first time and loved it (probably only because it was warm water and not freezing cold.)

* We went to Dave's High School Reunion. We actually got to go out to dinner and have a date two nights in a row! Wow....I cant remember the last time we did that. It was great to meet some of his friends and to see others that I have met before. Let's just say....some people do not change!

*We went to Rochester for a day to see my sister's new house. It is so cute! (Wish we could have seen her more though =)


Then we were off to Florida for a week. We stayed at a hotel on the beach only because we wanted some sleep for Isaiah. He LOVED his cousins....although him and Ana fight over everything!

* Isaiah loved driving there too. Camyrn would take him for rides on the jeep or his Uncle Doug would drive him on his golf cart.

* Isaiah also loved the ocean and pool. He is very daring though. And when I was not there.....he was pushing Camryn in the pool and then he fell in head first. Dave said he sunk so fast and would have hit his head on the bottom if he didn't jump in as quick as he did. He said he wouldn't let him get to far from him after that.

* We hoped Carrie would have had her baby but.....no luck. She is due on July 17th but usually goes early. So now we will have to wait to see him or her until August. (I think it is a girl!) Dave just wants her to have a crazy one like Isaiah because Ana is soooo easy! She is so cute and we miss all of them!

* Camryn, Isaiah, and Cade got sick near the end of our trip. Isaiah only got a fever and it only lasted two days. We hope Cade is better! He got whatever it was the worst =(

* Hope was so great throughout the whole vacation! She is a great sleeper and usually sleeps through anything. She slept on both flights and didn't wake up until we got home last night! She is such a happy and smiley baby....we love her so much!! And of course we love Isaiah too!!

We flew home on July 4th! It was so great to see all the fireworks as we were flying over. There were so many!

I hope I didn't forget anything major...I will try and post pictures over the weekend. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacation!