Hope went for her 6 month doctor's appointment today. If you don't already know....Hope is not very fond of men....and her doctor is a male...uh oh! (Let's hope she stays that way until she is 21....ha ha...I know we are dreamers!!)
When we got there we fed her cereal. She started crying when Dr. Al examined her and then was so upset. So we gave her a bottle and she was happy again until the nurse came in. She cried the whole time when she gave her the rototeq and then her two shots. So when we finally picked her up....she puked everywhere. And not like a little spit up that we are used to....it was like an adult puking! It came out her nose and mouth and she couldn't breathe. She kept sneezing to get it out of her nose. And then the poor thing looked so out of it. Her eyes were so swollen and red and she could hardly open them. I felt so horrible....I could only imagine how she felt!
Thank God Dave came with me to this appointment. Usually I go by myself and he watched Isaiah at home. But since my mom is here....he came with me. I don't know what I would have done without him!
Anyway....Hope is 27 inches long and 15 pounds 13 ounces....She is in the 90%tile for height and 48%tile for weight! Kind of the body type we would all like....long and lean! Ha ha!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Doctor Isaiah's Opinion About Hope...
Friday, September 21, 2007
I went for more blood work yesterday. And I am going to see a lung specialist on Tuesday. I will let you know what happens.
Also...since Dave is so freaked out about mold...we are having our house tested just in case! Let's pray it's not that!
Also...since Dave is so freaked out about mold...we are having our house tested just in case! Let's pray it's not that!
My aunt just sent me this link. It has a bunch of different restaurants recipes. Some of them are free and some you have to pay 79 cents.
I haven't tried any yet, but let me know if you try any of them. They have Sonic milkshakes (Carrie =) and Starbucks and lots of other ones too! I am thinking of making IHOP pancakes...yummy!
Thanks Aunt Kathy!
I haven't tried any yet, but let me know if you try any of them. They have Sonic milkshakes (Carrie =) and Starbucks and lots of other ones too! I am thinking of making IHOP pancakes...yummy!
Thanks Aunt Kathy!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
4 years ago....
I was at a UB Bulls football game and a little boy came up to talk to me. Who knew that I would end up marrying his uncle!
I love you d! I am so glad that you used your nephew to get next to me =) You are such an amazing man and you make me fall more in love with you with every passin day!
I love you too Cade!!
I love you d! I am so glad that you used your nephew to get next to me =) You are such an amazing man and you make me fall more in love with you with every passin day!
I love you too Cade!!
What's New Here
Well...Hope is sitting up! And she is getting up on all fours. It is so cute. She really wants to be moving!
And Isaiah...well he is talking more and more every day! He is so funny! At least I can tell what he is saying but sometimes I have to interpret for other people. He is getting so big and knows exactly what he wants to do. Sometimes we butt heads but he is usually a good boy and listens.
They are so cute together. Isaiah is always trying to give her food or a drink, but I tell him that she doesn't have any teeth yet. So now he goes up to her and tries to give her something and then laughs and says teet! It is so cute!
And Isaiah...well he is talking more and more every day! He is so funny! At least I can tell what he is saying but sometimes I have to interpret for other people. He is getting so big and knows exactly what he wants to do. Sometimes we butt heads but he is usually a good boy and listens.
They are so cute together. Isaiah is always trying to give her food or a drink, but I tell him that she doesn't have any teeth yet. So now he goes up to her and tries to give her something and then laughs and says teet! It is so cute!
Isaiah loves putting hats on her. It looks like she is giving him a dirty look here. Ha ha!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I went to the emergency room last night via ambulance.
We came home from visiting Tita and I was putting on the TV to watch Monday Night Football. When I became really lightheaded and had to sit down. I was holding Hope at the time and Dave had to take her.
I became really nauseous, dizzy, hot, tingly arms and legs. I had a really bad headache a few days before and some chest pains so, they took me in. Thank God we have such good friends to come over in minutes to take the kiddos and watch them. And they had to figure out how to put them to bed and where everything was...they did so great! They will be great parents in a few months! Thanks Randy and Rachael!!!
They ran all kinds of tests on me...blood work, brain scan, chest xray, EKG, and a CT scan. At first the test came back that I may have blood clots in my lungs (which is what they thought I had 3 years ago). But that came back negative...Thank God!
So they think that I may have vertigo or reflux. I have to follow up with my doctor in a couple days. Although I am still having chest pains.
Thank you for all the prayers last night. Sorry for the scare! But it definitely gave me a scare when I was having all of this happen and I see Dave and my kiddos looking at me...And wondering what is going to happen to me. Hope was screaming and Isaiah wanted to be right next to me and play. He would get mad if I pushed him away. I am so glad that it is not too serious and I can fix whatever is wrong!
We came home from visiting Tita and I was putting on the TV to watch Monday Night Football. When I became really lightheaded and had to sit down. I was holding Hope at the time and Dave had to take her.
I became really nauseous, dizzy, hot, tingly arms and legs. I had a really bad headache a few days before and some chest pains so, they took me in. Thank God we have such good friends to come over in minutes to take the kiddos and watch them. And they had to figure out how to put them to bed and where everything was...they did so great! They will be great parents in a few months! Thanks Randy and Rachael!!!
They ran all kinds of tests on me...blood work, brain scan, chest xray, EKG, and a CT scan. At first the test came back that I may have blood clots in my lungs (which is what they thought I had 3 years ago). But that came back negative...Thank God!
So they think that I may have vertigo or reflux. I have to follow up with my doctor in a couple days. Although I am still having chest pains.
Thank you for all the prayers last night. Sorry for the scare! But it definitely gave me a scare when I was having all of this happen and I see Dave and my kiddos looking at me...And wondering what is going to happen to me. Hope was screaming and Isaiah wanted to be right next to me and play. He would get mad if I pushed him away. I am so glad that it is not too serious and I can fix whatever is wrong!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Any Ideas??
We took away Hope's paci...because she always spit it out. But...she wants something to suck on while she sleeps. We tried a blanket, a lovey, and her fingers. She doesn't want any of those. She is having a hard time going down for naps and falling back asleep when she wakes up.
So I am open to any suggestions that you might have!
So I am open to any suggestions that you might have!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
What are those??
For some reason my kiddos think that they don't need these...Ah but they do. Because when they don't we get meltdowns a two crying and screaming children at the same time.
They also feel the need not to sleep at night! Isaiah is up first for about an hour and then when he finally falls back asleep...Hope gets up for another hour. They must have this all planned out!
So needless to say....we aren't getting much sleep in this house.
I know my blog talks a lot about sleep....but I think its because I am not getting any and I would LOVE some! Ha ha!
Anyway....I switched Hope's formula. When I put her on formula I was given two choices and just chose the first one I saw. When I put her on this....she got eczema! But I thought maybe it was just a coincidence. Then when we were in Buffalo....my Grandma told me how she ended up in the hospital with an allergic reaction to corn...ummmmm Hope's formula was 48% corn! Also, at our get together my friend Tina told me to try the Similac formula because when she put Anthony on it...he stopped spitting up.
So we started on Saturday and so far here are the positives and negatives:
+Less spit up (A LOT less)
+Her skin is getting better
-More expensive
-+Made her constipated...but now she is all good
-I have to warm it up because it is liquid (a pain in the middle of the night and when we are out)...I had to put her on the liquid because the powder one had corn and the liquid did not...weird huh?
BUT if it makes her feel better...than all the negatives are worth it!
For some reason my kiddos think that they don't need these...Ah but they do. Because when they don't we get meltdowns a two crying and screaming children at the same time.
They also feel the need not to sleep at night! Isaiah is up first for about an hour and then when he finally falls back asleep...Hope gets up for another hour. They must have this all planned out!
So needless to say....we aren't getting much sleep in this house.
I know my blog talks a lot about sleep....but I think its because I am not getting any and I would LOVE some! Ha ha!
Anyway....I switched Hope's formula. When I put her on formula I was given two choices and just chose the first one I saw. When I put her on this....she got eczema! But I thought maybe it was just a coincidence. Then when we were in Buffalo....my Grandma told me how she ended up in the hospital with an allergic reaction to corn...ummmmm Hope's formula was 48% corn! Also, at our get together my friend Tina told me to try the Similac formula because when she put Anthony on it...he stopped spitting up.
So we started on Saturday and so far here are the positives and negatives:
+Less spit up (A LOT less)
+Her skin is getting better
-More expensive
-+Made her constipated...but now she is all good
-I have to warm it up because it is liquid (a pain in the middle of the night and when we are out)...I had to put her on the liquid because the powder one had corn and the liquid did not...weird huh?
BUT if it makes her feel better...than all the negatives are worth it!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sleep Training
Yes sleep training...this is what we will be doing tonight and for the next couple nights until our little kiddos realize that 3 and 4 in the morning is not morning.
Since we came back from our trip, Isaiah and Hope have completely regressed and are now horrible sleepers...again. We have been up so much the past few nights....nobody knows a good nights rest is!
So tonight...they may have to cry a little (although we do not like when they cry)! Hope keeps waking up and I have to put her paci in a million times (well at least it feels that way!) They must just sense when you get back into bed and you close your eyes...and they spit out the paci again and again and again!!!
And Isaiah....well he just thinks that 4 in the morning is morning....and it just is not! I have gone in there several times and he wants out of his crib. I keep telling him that everyone is sleeping and it is dark out and to go back to sleep. He cries for a couple minutes and at least he will lay there for a little while before complaining again. So maybe I just shouldn't go in there at all....I guess we will see what works.
The best part of this is that Dave is so supportive and helpful. He is the one who thinks that getting up to put back in her paci is crazy and needs to stop...So he is going to help. He is so great that way...and he always lets me sleep in the morning after the kids wake up until 7 or 7:30! He is so good to me.
Well....any suggestions would be appreciated again. We just are exhausted!
Since we came back from our trip, Isaiah and Hope have completely regressed and are now horrible sleepers...again. We have been up so much the past few nights....nobody knows a good nights rest is!
So tonight...they may have to cry a little (although we do not like when they cry)! Hope keeps waking up and I have to put her paci in a million times (well at least it feels that way!) They must just sense when you get back into bed and you close your eyes...and they spit out the paci again and again and again!!!
And Isaiah....well he just thinks that 4 in the morning is morning....and it just is not! I have gone in there several times and he wants out of his crib. I keep telling him that everyone is sleeping and it is dark out and to go back to sleep. He cries for a couple minutes and at least he will lay there for a little while before complaining again. So maybe I just shouldn't go in there at all....I guess we will see what works.
The best part of this is that Dave is so supportive and helpful. He is the one who thinks that getting up to put back in her paci is crazy and needs to stop...So he is going to help. He is so great that way...and he always lets me sleep in the morning after the kids wake up until 7 or 7:30! He is so good to me.
Well....any suggestions would be appreciated again. We just are exhausted!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
I did it!
Today I became a daring Mom (Ha!)...I actually went on an outing with Isaiah and Hope by myself. We only went to Target but that was huge for me!
Both of them were fed and changed and did not need a nap so I thought...why not try.
I carried Hope in the Baby Bjorn and pushed Isaiah while he was standing in the back of the cart holding on. Hope was looking right at Isaiah nad thought he was so funny! And Isaiah loves to sit in the back and play with all of the stuff I put inside. We even went through the toy section without any problems...I just said we have to ask your Daddy next time we come and he was fine with that.
He is such a good little boy and really understands everything. He also is listening more and more! He is so funny! Hope is such a good little girl too! She is so happy besides the puking all day long.
I was so proud of myself....as you can tell....our last outing (awhile ago) was a nightmare and I didn't want to do that again. Let's just say some guy in his car thought that I was hysterical and chose to laugh at me rather than help! How rude!
Both of them were fed and changed and did not need a nap so I thought...why not try.
I carried Hope in the Baby Bjorn and pushed Isaiah while he was standing in the back of the cart holding on. Hope was looking right at Isaiah nad thought he was so funny! And Isaiah loves to sit in the back and play with all of the stuff I put inside. We even went through the toy section without any problems...I just said we have to ask your Daddy next time we come and he was fine with that.
He is such a good little boy and really understands everything. He also is listening more and more! He is so funny! Hope is such a good little girl too! She is so happy besides the puking all day long.
I was so proud of myself....as you can tell....our last outing (awhile ago) was a nightmare and I didn't want to do that again. Let's just say some guy in his car thought that I was hysterical and chose to laugh at me rather than help! How rude!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I just realized something
We have not been alone as a family since August 2nd!! That is a whole month! First we had Boris, Teresa, and their family staying with us. Then we went to Florida and Buffalo to visit family. While it was fun seeing everyone and visiting...we are glad to be home by ourselves as a family...and getting back to our schedule. The kiddos are still on east coast time but are both actually napping right now! Yippee! (As I write that Hope wakes up and needs her paci! Ha ha!)
So as I promised...here are pictures from our trip! There are A LOT! Enjoy!
Isaiah being silly with Tia. He loves to wear other peoples' sunglasses.
Daddy and Hope...how cute! She loves her da...she lights up and starts going crazy when she sees him!
Talia and Hope laughing and having a good time.
ALL the cousins together for the first time...yeah!
We got to see Aunt Dani, Uncle Gary and Makenzie in Florida!
A collage of my Aunt Kim and Uncle Chris in the police station.
A memorial for my Uncle Chris at Walgreens.
So as I promised...here are pictures from our trip! There are A LOT! Enjoy!
Isaiah and Talia reading together.

Watch out Monica!!
share at the end of our trip.
Hope, Grandma, and Great Grandma!
Out back four wheeling
Awww...how cute!
Hanging out with Katie, Paul and Sam. Sam is so cute! And Katie just started a blog...check it out.
Of course Isaiah was riding on the tractor with Grandpa Joe
Beaver, Tina and the kids (Hope was sleeping during all of this!)
Now she is awake just in time for Chi Chi!
Mommy and Isaiah hanging out on the deck
Isaiah playing in his ball house that Grandma and Grandpa bought him.
Grandpa Joe and Isaiah with their silly teeth! Isaiah thought they were funny and kept touching Grandpa's teeth
Grandpa Joe and Hop...sooo cute!

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