I went for my PET scan today to check the nodules in my lungs. The past two day have been horrible.
Yesterday I couldn't really eat anything besides meat and cheese and I could only drink water. I was starving yesterday because I usually eat all day long. So I was not in a good mood yesterday!
Then today when I got to the appointment...I had to drink this horrible drink that was making me sick. Then they had to inject fluid in my arm...and I passed out!! Since I passed out I didn't have to finish that drink but I felt horrible. I had to wait 45 minutes for the stuff to get in my system. Then I had to be in the machine for 30 minutes with my arms over my head. At one point I thought I was going to pass out again but I didn't. But my arms fell asleep from my shoulder to my elbow....that was a weird feeling.
I was so happy when it was all over. Then D took me out to a nice breakfast...although I didn't really feel too well. I started feeling better right when we got home. Thank God!
Thanks Mom for watching the kids! And thanks D for being there with me the whole time and being so supportive! I love you!
So...we will find out the results Wednesday or Thursday! So please pray they are
benign and that they do not grow. And pray I never have to go for this test again!!!