Since we arrived here in Buffalo, Isaiah has not liked bedtime. I just thought because of being in a new place or because there have been so many people around. But....the past few nights he really has fought going to bed. He wants to be rocked to sleep or sleep on the floor next to you (need I remind you that they are hardwood uncomfortable.) But as soon as you pick him up, he wakes up and wants to be rocked more or put back on the floor.
So it hit me yesterday....he is 2 1/2 and probably ready for a big boy bed!
We went today and made a big deal about getting a new bed. At first he was not excitedat all, but he has been furniture shopping with us so many times since we have been here that I told him we were going to look at the kids rooms (boys and girls rooms....that is the area he always loved going to) then he was excited.
First we went to Raymour and Flanigan and the beds we liked, he didn't (and why buy a bed he doesn't want to sleep in!). So on to Ashley Furniture....same thing. Our last resort, Toys R Us. We went and they had a "Cars" bed (for all of you that haven't been around him lately...he LOVES this movie and knows all the characters, has a bunch of the cars, knows parts of the movie, loves the song...). He was very distracted with all the toys, but picked out the one he wanted.
Dave asked the clerk if she believed in miracles...she looked at him funny and said yes I guess so. And he replied....good because it will be a miracle if this bed doesn't get returned.
We brought it home, put it together and....

yup he is sleeping in it....for now. But that is a HUGE step. He actually wanted to go in it and was very excited about it. I am sure he will be in our bed in the middle of the night....but who is a big step for him and I hope he loves his new bed. :)
(That is the best picture I could get on my camera phone trying not to wake him up!)