I finally did it! I got rid of the bottle! It hasn't been as bad as I thought.
When I went to Hope's 18 month check up they told me to wean her off and I thought ok I will try. They told me to water down her milk a little more everyday and then she wouldn't want it. Well...I just went out to the store and she wanted this princess sippee cup so I put milk in there. She LOVES her princess cup and hasn't complained about the bottle.
On the other hand...Isaiah was still on the bottle. With them being so close in age...he wouldn't have understood (at 16 months) that Hope could have it and he couldn't. He will not drink milk out of any sippee cup (believe me I tried!). He still asks for it at night before bed but that is about it! He did have a couple of accidents the past two days but they say when you make a change in your routine they may regress with potty training a little....but he is fine today(totally potty trained awhile ago). Yeah what a relief! I wanted to get rid of the bottles before we travel in a few weeks. They are such a pain to drag everywhere.
Now....the next baby steps that have to be made are...Isaiah sleeping in his own bed and getting rid of the paci for both of them. Not quite sure I am ready yet:)