Hope is talking so much now. Of course it is good and bad...only kidding:)
Her favorite sayings (that I hear so many times a day!!)
Why Mommy?
Where Mommy?
Oh Mommy.
Thank you Mommy.
(notice a pattern here...ha ha)
She finally can say her name right!!! Yeah!! She used to call herself "Home" or "Homey"....funny but so much cuter when she says Hopey.
She toots a lot and like to announce....I tooted...and then says Excuse you Daddy or Excuse you Hopey...then laughs. She thinks she is very funny when she does this.
We also have been reading a lot of Dora books. She picked up on counting in Spanish. She used to say "dos, tres, cinco." It was the cutest thing. I tried to videotape it, but she wont do it anymore. Now she just says "dos, cinco" and laughs.
She also will only drink out of her princess cup, Dora cup, or Ariel cup. If you try and give her another one....a meltdown will occur!! Dave....no Elmo cups! Ha ha!
She loves to play with her babies. And now she must bring one with us where ever we go. (Like I don't have enough stuff to carry...ha ha!) But she copies everything her brother does...so if he brings cars, she has to bring her baby.
She is also not very coordinated. I sweat that girl falls more than anyone I know. She really needs to wear a helmet. I think she even trips over her own feet...ha ha! Hopefully coordination will come soon.
Our biggest update is that she can finally eat cheese!!! Yeah!!! Whenever we used to give her cheese or eggs she would get a horrible yeast infection. But I noticed that the times we tried these things...she was also cutting some teeth. So now that she finally has all of her teeth...we tried cheese and she has been great! It is so nice because the kids have such opposite allergies and now one less thing to worry about. We will try eggs soon.