Micah playing at Grandma's.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
For you Aunt Kathy:)
Here are some pictures from when Aunt Kim, Autumn, Spencer and Baby Christopher's visit. Sorry they take me so long to post but it is slow to upload them....so I have to find time when I have time...LOL!
Hunter hugging Micah!
The happy couple:)
Hope with Baby Christopher.
Poor Tyler...I was trying to get pictures of all of them...but they did not want to!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
6 month check up for Micah
Well...he is growing that's for sure :)
30 inches long= 100th percentile
21 lbs 3 oz= 94th percentile
We did not have to go through shots today because I opted out of them for now. Micah has not slept the past two nights very much and I realized last night that he has thrush. So I got the medicine today at the doctors office. I want that to clear first before I get him the shots so that I know what he is having a reaction too..if he has a reaction. So, we go back Sept 2nd for those nasty shots:( Praying he sleeps better tonight, that the thrush goes away quickly, and that nobody else gets it! Please pray with me.
Have a good night:)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Kingdom Bound
We had such an amazing time at Kingdom Bound this year. It is a Christian event that takes place every year at Darien Lake. We went last year but drove back and forth everyday. That was really tiring so we decided to camp there this year. It was a blast! Our neighbors went with us and the kids loved it! We took the kids to the Kidz Tent everyday for songs and plays....my kids are still singing the songs and so are we. I had a great time in there..hehe! We also went to a couple of the speakers and one concert. Of course we wish we could have gone to more but with the little ones....we couldn't stay out too late.
Camping went great! I stayed in the back with Micah and pretty much had to feed him when he woke up so that he did not wake everyone up. So I really was the only one lacking sleep...I think I am still trying to catch up! LOL! It was really hot so we also went to the water park everyday. The water was freezing but refreshing! We also did some kiddie rides and some bigger rides. We can't wait to do it again next year!
Isaiah getting pulled to the park.
It's a Dad's Life!

Matching bathing suit cover ups!

Enjoying the ride!
Cutie pie!
Watching everyone else on the kiddie rides.
Yes...I squished on the Monster Trucks!
The life...getting pushed around!
Haha! I LOVE him!
Trying to get Micah to look!

Hanging with Daddy!

They loved the kiddie rides! Hope actually went on this year! YEAH!
Isaiah wanted to go on this BIG water slide! When we first started out he got a little scared but I kept telling him it was OK. When it was over he wanted to go again! Too bad the lines were soooo long! He is getting so big!
Cooling off!
Love Hope posing in this one!
Bath time in the sink!
Grandma came one day with us. She loves the spinning rides so she took Isaiah and Dave took Hope. Isaiah LOVED it! Hope liked going forward but when it started to go backwards....Dave had to yell for them to stop the ride to get off. Poor thing...I think she has a very sensitive stomach:(
The kiddie roller coaster. Again Isaiah LOVED it...Hope not so much!
Yeah kiddie bumper cars! They loved to drive their own!
Hope kept doing donuts in the corner...LOL!
Hope waving at us every time she went around! So sweet!
All alone on the swings! Such fun!
Couples that Pray Together, Stay Together
Heard a great statistic while at Kingdom Bound this week.
Today, 1 in 2 couples get divorced but...when couples pray out loud together their chance of divorce is 1 in 1,052!!!
Isn't that crazy! They found that while praying the other spouse would learn things about their spouse that they didn't know affected them. It would cause them to talk and communicate better! So amazing!
I am so glad Dave and I pray together but also that we pray for all of you!
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