Micah has been miserable! He is 9 months with no teeth but....is cutting 4!! right now!! He has been a grump and I cannot wait until they pop through and I have my happy baby back! He has been waking a lot too at night which makes me so tired again...LOL!
On the other hand..I can wait...because I am still nursing and really not looking forward to 4 little chompers! AHHH!! He hurts enough with just his gums! LOL!
The joys of teething!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Turkey Time:)
We celebrated Isaiah's 5th birthday this past weekend. We wanted to have it early so more people could come (it is on Thanksgiving this year)....not everyone could make it but we still had so many people. We also wanted it early because we changed his room to John Deere for his birthday too!
Craft time
Tyler sporting the turkey hat. (Yes..it was a turkey party in case you haven't already figured that out...LOL!)
And here are the live turkeys!
Joe and Micah hanging out.
I still cannot believe he is 5!! Crazy!!
Isaiah with some of his Aunts!
Pinata time...Hope couldn't reach.
We tried a blindfold but that was a little dangerous...
And a pole..and Isaiah hit Dan in the stomach SO HARD! There was a huge mark!! Good thing he is tough...and good thing I let go of that pole!
Gifts...he makes some great faces when he opens gifts and my sister Kristine caught a lot of them! Thank you Kristine:)
See what I mean....LOL!
You can sense the excitement!
Getting all the candy from the pinata....we are still eating it since they are only allowed one piece a day:)
More gifts.

CHEESE! My kids know to smile when I pull out the camera...HAHA!
Loving the faces!
The John Deere room!
MONEY!!! So excited!!! If you want him to get excited about money...give him lots of singles!!!
Still counting it!
And at the age of 5...we finally are rid of the pappy!! He really didn't use it but still would take it at bedtime. One day I told him we should tie it to a balloon and let it go. A few weeks later he said he wanted to attach it to a balloon and send it to the babies in heaven. Very sweet. It was a very clear day and no wind that day...just praying we don't find it on our property someday. :)
Let them fly!
New John Deere bedding!
So happy about his new room!
The party was in the barn...and very fitting for a turkey party! And no mess in my house...LOL!
Turkey Birthday boy with his Pa and Tyler!
PS...yes is bothers me that my pictures do not go in order but for some reason they will not upload that way...and it would take forever to change them!! Maybe someday I will figure it out!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The time change is kicking our boonies..and some other stuff!
Micah was doing great with sleeping at night until the time change. He thinks 5am is morning. Not that I should be the one complaining...Dave gets up with him. One more reason why I love that man. He knows I need my sleep or I will be crabby...LOL! So Micah was doing better at night before the time change. I am hoping he gets back to that. He was going down between 7 and 7:30 waking between 4 and 5am to eat and then sleeping until 6:30-7!! How awesome is that!! Love that little man!
The other kids are having a tough time too. Getting up early and being really tired during the day. Hope took a 2 1/2 hour nap that I had to wake her up from!!! Hopefully they will get back on track soon:)
Here are some pictures over the last couple weeks to catch you up on what we have been up to.
Grandma with the two little ones....I took a bunch but this was the best one! I LOVE Micah's chubby legs! HAHA!
At the farm. Tyler looks so cute in that hat!
My little monkey. She was not a fan of the farm (I forgot how afraid she is of animals until we got there)...someone was holding her the whole time.
Ashley milking the goat...since my kids wouldn't do it!
I LOVE their faces in this one....LOL! Tyler was not into pictures that day and Micah is always smiling at the camera!
So funny!
The boys!
Finally down for a minute!
So cute!
Isaiah going for a pony ride. He loved it!
The hay ride to the pumpkin patch to pick our own pumpkins. It was so much fun!
Hope loves her!
Isaiah and Mya!
The MOOSE is on the loose!
Halloween at Crossroads Church. The kids had a blast. They had games and bounce houses and prizes. It was so much fun! I hope they do it next year. Way better than trick or treating! This picture is cute except they are missing a grand baby...and didn't even know it. LOL!
The other kids are having a tough time too. Getting up early and being really tired during the day. Hope took a 2 1/2 hour nap that I had to wake her up from!!! Hopefully they will get back on track soon:)
Here are some pictures over the last couple weeks to catch you up on what we have been up to.
Micah the Moose!! His nickname and costume for Halloween!
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