Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I almost forgot....

We never really watch TV at all unless it is college football until of course January comes around. There are two shows that we watch and love....24 and American Idol. Since 24 is not on until 9pm we tape it and watch it the next day....I cannot wait to watch it today. So for all of you watch it on Monday night....don't tell us what happens!!!


Anonymous said...

you are right..from now on--we tell no one about his sleeping! We can just ask for prayers!! My wife is the trooper--she gets up with him every night..everytime..unless of course he needs something that she can't get:)...but, I for the most part get to sleep! yes, we did watch 24 today---kind of wierd that all the events are taking place within 15 minutes of our house in the show---
Hopefully not travelling will help our little Isaiah..he is awesome..and maybe someday we will be able to call him a sleeper! He is getting so animated..it is great--and his walking is hilarious...anyways..I am boring my wife with all this writing..so, just one more thing!

I love you---d

Anonymous said...

Sushi is just 20 hours away!