Today we went in for Isaiah's 15 month check-up. We didn't get shots for Isaiah at 12 months because we were moving, he had a cold, and it was very hectic around here. We were glad that we didn't because he ended up with a really bad cold and the shots may have made symptoms worse.
Last night Isaiah was up most the night and would only sleep on mommy or daddy...mostly daddy! And his nose started running....he must sense when he is going to get shots..ha ha! But we were going in today anyway and not going to get the shots again.
Well it ends up that all four of his molars are coming in and will break through sometime in the next month. And he has ear infections...on a scale of 1-5...5 being the worst....the one ear is a 3 and the other a 1 1/2. So now he is on antibiotics and we go back in 10 days to have him checked again. Hopefully he will feel better soon....although he does not like to take the medicine. I hardly got any of it down tonight...but Mrs. Socha told us a way to we will try it in the morning. I hope it works so we can get the medicine in him to make him feel better.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Family Day
Today was family day. We had such a great day. Well, first we cleaned around the house and did some laundry...not a whole lot of fun. But then we went to the mall just to walk around....
Now the mall is literally 2 minutes from our house but it took us 20 minutes to get there since they closed down the main street for a bike race. We did not know that...otherwise we may have opted to stay home....but we had to get a few things.
It was so fun to take Isaiah there....he has not been there since he started walking really well. He loved it! We obviously went a little slower than usual...but just enjoyed our time together. It was such a nice day too so we walked outside to some of the shops.
Then we decided to go for a walk when we returned home to meet some of our friends....Mike, Maria, Preston and Ella. Isaiah actually has not played with anyone his size that walks since he started walking this was so much fun for him to chase his little friend around. Plus we were at the park where there were a lot of people walking, walking their dogs, and playing golf...he had so much fun just running around.
We should all hopefully sleep well tonight with all the fresh air and running around.
We cannot wait for my sister Kristine to come in tomorrow. She has never been here so we are all looking forward to her visit. Plus she hasn't seen Isaiah since Christmas....Wow has he changed a lot. Now that I am I able to do a little more...we will have a great time!
Now the mall is literally 2 minutes from our house but it took us 20 minutes to get there since they closed down the main street for a bike race. We did not know that...otherwise we may have opted to stay home....but we had to get a few things.
It was so fun to take Isaiah there....he has not been there since he started walking really well. He loved it! We obviously went a little slower than usual...but just enjoyed our time together. It was such a nice day too so we walked outside to some of the shops.
Then we decided to go for a walk when we returned home to meet some of our friends....Mike, Maria, Preston and Ella. Isaiah actually has not played with anyone his size that walks since he started walking this was so much fun for him to chase his little friend around. Plus we were at the park where there were a lot of people walking, walking their dogs, and playing golf...he had so much fun just running around.
We should all hopefully sleep well tonight with all the fresh air and running around.
We cannot wait for my sister Kristine to come in tomorrow. She has never been here so we are all looking forward to her visit. Plus she hasn't seen Isaiah since Christmas....Wow has he changed a lot. Now that I am I able to do a little more...we will have a great time!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Baby Socha #2
Here are some pictures of our ultrasound yesterday. The top one is 3D and you can see the baby's face. The bottom one is a profile of the baby. You can see the eyes, nose and the baby's mouth is open. Hopefully you are able to make out what everything is a little dark.
We also went to the doctor today and everything is great. So whenever I deliver I get to go to the hospital right down the street. Yeah! How relieving.
I will be going to see him every week so I will keep you all posted. But I did gain weight this past week and the baby is a good size so...we are now just waiting for Baby Socha #2 to arrive!
Super Dad!
D is amazing! Last night Isaiah hardly slept and would not sleep in his crib. Dave had him downstairs all night and they slept on the living room floor. (We did not bring him in our bed because we do not want to have to break that habit all over again.) I offered to help but he told me to go and sleep and get some rest. He is the sweetest! (Plus he said he loved sleeping next to Isaiah again...he misses him in our bed.)
We are all a little tired today and will be taking naps soon!
Hopefully Isaiah will be better tonight. I just wish I knew what was wrong with him. He seems fine during most of the day...except when he is tired or frustrated and he throws his little tantrums. But he is not eating like he usually does and not sleeping well at night. I know our excuse is his is teething...but I am not sure if he is. But we have his 15 month check-up on Monday so we can ask lots of questions then.
We are all a little tired today and will be taking naps soon!
Hopefully Isaiah will be better tonight. I just wish I knew what was wrong with him. He seems fine during most of the day...except when he is tired or frustrated and he throws his little tantrums. But he is not eating like he usually does and not sleeping well at night. I know our excuse is his is teething...but I am not sure if he is. But we have his 15 month check-up on Monday so we can ask lots of questions then.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Proud Owners
I forgot to mention....that we are now proud owners of a Honda Odyssey Minivan....
I always said I did not want to drive a minivan...but they are so convenient and practical with little ones...Isaiah loves it already!
Plus the one we bought has so many little gadgets and does so many things....I will be learning about it for awhile.
It just makes sense for us when we will have 2 in carseats and so many visitors...that we need all the extra seating...

Well, we went today for an ultrasound and found out a bunch of things.
First the baby is doing great, is healthy, and has a good heart!!! Thank God!!!
We got a good 3D picutre of the baby...which I will post later...D has to take it to his office and scan it first for me and then I will post it.
The baby is measuring a little bigger...which is good if the baby comes early....but I guess the baby has a big head...great! Ha ha!
We also found out that the baby weighs about 6lbs 3 or minus the baby could be between 5lbs 3oz and 7lbs if I go full term the baby has about 2 1/2 more pounds to the biggest could be 9lbs 8oz....that's a big baby....let's hope for 8lbs 8oz....right around the size of Isaiah who was 8lbs 12oz....
I go to see my doctor tomorrow morning and will find out more from him. But at least my mind is at ease now and I have 1 more week until I reach the 36 week mark! Yeah!
First the baby is doing great, is healthy, and has a good heart!!! Thank God!!!
We got a good 3D picutre of the baby...which I will post later...D has to take it to his office and scan it first for me and then I will post it.
The baby is measuring a little bigger...which is good if the baby comes early....but I guess the baby has a big head...great! Ha ha!
We also found out that the baby weighs about 6lbs 3 or minus the baby could be between 5lbs 3oz and 7lbs if I go full term the baby has about 2 1/2 more pounds to the biggest could be 9lbs 8oz....that's a big baby....let's hope for 8lbs 8oz....right around the size of Isaiah who was 8lbs 12oz....
I go to see my doctor tomorrow morning and will find out more from him. But at least my mind is at ease now and I have 1 more week until I reach the 36 week mark! Yeah!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Isn't Family the Best
I have to say that taking it easy and not being able to carry Isaiah around is hard. D was such a huge help over the weekend. He pratically did was great! It is hard for me to sit still and to not hold Isaiah during church or out to dinner. But I have to do it!
So, since D is at work during the week and my mom had to go home...I have new help coming. My lower back has been sore the past few days so I need help during the days. D and I worked it out so that he is here until 9 and then tries to be home around 4. Mrs. Socha will be helping Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week in the afternoons...after Isaiah's nap...until D gets home from work. Then she is off to Florida to spend Grandparents day with Cade and fun! sister Kristine is coming out all next week! I am so excited...she has never been to California (too bad I can't take her everywhere)...but she is so good with Isaiah! Plus she hasn't seen him in awhile. It will be so much fun! She will leave when I am 36 1/2 weeks I should be fine until the baby arrives. And if I do need more help after sister-in-law, Dani, said she would come down too. Do I have the best family or what??
My doctor just wants me to make it until 36 hopefully I will. I have an ultrasound and doctor's appointment at the end of the I will keep you posted on what I find out.
I hope to hold out until then too because if I go before that I have to go to a hospital about 25 minutes away instead of the one right down the street. And I would feel better being at the one close to us so D can go home and check on Isaiah...we have never left him at it will be an experience.
So, since D is at work during the week and my mom had to go home...I have new help coming. My lower back has been sore the past few days so I need help during the days. D and I worked it out so that he is here until 9 and then tries to be home around 4. Mrs. Socha will be helping Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week in the afternoons...after Isaiah's nap...until D gets home from work. Then she is off to Florida to spend Grandparents day with Cade and fun! sister Kristine is coming out all next week! I am so excited...she has never been to California (too bad I can't take her everywhere)...but she is so good with Isaiah! Plus she hasn't seen him in awhile. It will be so much fun! She will leave when I am 36 1/2 weeks I should be fine until the baby arrives. And if I do need more help after sister-in-law, Dani, said she would come down too. Do I have the best family or what??
My doctor just wants me to make it until 36 hopefully I will. I have an ultrasound and doctor's appointment at the end of the I will keep you posted on what I find out.
I hope to hold out until then too because if I go before that I have to go to a hospital about 25 minutes away instead of the one right down the street. And I would feel better being at the one close to us so D can go home and check on Isaiah...we have never left him at it will be an experience.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
My New Job
Well due to the weather in the Northeast I have had a new job as a travel agent the past few days. I have been searching flights, cancelling flights, rescheduling flights, and trying to locate luggage. But it will all come to an end soon. D should be landing in about a half and hour...yeah!
We still have not located his luggage from the flight he was supposed to be on but....we are so glad that he was not on that flight. That flight was the jetblue flight that was supposed to take off at 9:00am. After passengers waited all day, they finally boarded the flight only to sit on the runway for I think 9 hours. They were on the runway so long that the plane actually froze to the runway. They also ran out of water and food. I couldn't imagine being on that flight...especially with kids!
I am sure he will be so happy just to be home. And I am sure there are so many people still stuck in NYC. Good thing we cancelled his flight and booked a new one. We almost didn't get one because everything I clicked on ended up full.
What a crazy storm. But I am used to it since I lived in Buffalo my whole life. I will have to say that I have not been stuck in an airport due to weather...and I hope I never will.
I also rescheduled my mom's flight home...I am sure my dad and sister's miss her and can't wait for her to come home. But she has been such a huge help here. I can't wait for her to come back in a few weeks when the baby is born!
I will be happy when my new job comes to an end but of course would do it all over again for D anyday!
We still have not located his luggage from the flight he was supposed to be on but....we are so glad that he was not on that flight. That flight was the jetblue flight that was supposed to take off at 9:00am. After passengers waited all day, they finally boarded the flight only to sit on the runway for I think 9 hours. They were on the runway so long that the plane actually froze to the runway. They also ran out of water and food. I couldn't imagine being on that flight...especially with kids!
I am sure he will be so happy just to be home. And I am sure there are so many people still stuck in NYC. Good thing we cancelled his flight and booked a new one. We almost didn't get one because everything I clicked on ended up full.
What a crazy storm. But I am used to it since I lived in Buffalo my whole life. I will have to say that I have not been stuck in an airport due to weather...and I hope I never will.
I also rescheduled my mom's flight home...I am sure my dad and sister's miss her and can't wait for her to come home. But she has been such a huge help here. I can't wait for her to come back in a few weeks when the baby is born!
I will be happy when my new job comes to an end but of course would do it all over again for D anyday!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope everyone has a great day today! Here's our little Prince Charming! Ha ha!
My Valentine is stuck in NYC in the snow and ice and cold...yuck! I hope he gets out tomorrow morning! We miss him!
I am 34 weeks today and went to the doctor. The baby dropped and is very low so I have to take it very easy so the baby doesn't come too early. He wants me to get to at least 36 weeks. I was supposed to have an ultrasound tomorrow but switched it to next week when D will be here. Now of course I am nervous. I have to try and not lift Isaiah as much and not walk around as much either. I also only gained 1 pound since last time so I have to eat a lot of protein to fatten up the baby in case I go early. And of course D is not here....thank God my mom is here to help out and carry Isaiah everywhere.
My doctor said as long as I am not having contractions, cramping or bleeding...then I should be OK...which I am not having any of those. So please just pray the baby waits until at least 36 weeks and that D is here for the delivery!
I am not too worried about going early because last time he told me I was going to go early and Isaiah came 3 days late so...I already set my mind that I am going to go late again and I am going to keep thinking that.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Well since my New Year's resolution was to read far I think I have only missed one day! I have read 3 books already and I am also reading a daily devotional book for moms.
The books have been about marriage, one about raising children, and one about sharing the faith with your children. They have been very insightful and have given me different ways to view a situation or how to handle things in a way I would not have thought of before.
I have one book left here to read and I was starting to look for some new books. With so many out there I just don't know which ones to chose so....I was wondering if any of you had any suggestions? ( always give me good books...anything else new you have read that you like??)
How is everyone else doing on their resolutions?? (Seeing as how nobody shared what they were!! Haha!!)
The books have been about marriage, one about raising children, and one about sharing the faith with your children. They have been very insightful and have given me different ways to view a situation or how to handle things in a way I would not have thought of before.
I have one book left here to read and I was starting to look for some new books. With so many out there I just don't know which ones to chose so....I was wondering if any of you had any suggestions? ( always give me good books...anything else new you have read that you like??)
How is everyone else doing on their resolutions?? (Seeing as how nobody shared what they were!! Haha!!)
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Getting Ready
Yesterday my mom and I went to Babies R Us to pick up a few things for the new baby. We finally bought a different Pack and Play since ours was so tiny and we will need it for the downstairs. I can't believe how much stuff you still need to get for the second one.

Then we bought two outfits for the pink and one this time the baby doesn't have to wear yellow or green home (although I will still use all of those when the baby starts going through a couple outfits a day!) So we pulled out all Isaiah's clothes when he was a baby and washed at least I will feel ready for the baby's arrival.
It is getting so close...this pregnancy went by so fast...probably because I am chasing Isaiah around and staying busy with him! He is finally walking more than crawling the past few days...he is too cute!
Well we would like to know if you have any guesses as to what you think we are having?? Any guesses to the name too?? I will give you a clue...the names are biblical again! Here is a picture of my belly if that helps anyone when guessing. (We think it is a girl..but we were wrong last maybe we are just not good guessers!)
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Date night with my hubby!
Don't get to excited...we didn't go anywhere special was great just to relax together.
I cannot remember the last time D and I watched a show together without Isaiah! Last night we actually got to watch American Idol. It was great and there is another one on tonight. Because we never knew how Isaiah was going to sleep and becasue he was in our bed....i always had to go to bed when he did so that I would get enough sleep. Not that we know what kind of night he is going to have any night but the fact that he is in his crib gives me and d more time together.
Although last night I did not sleep well....people keep putting ideas in our head that we should be careful because Isaiah may get kidnapped....who says that to a mom and we aren't worried enough. So last night I thought heard noises in our house so I kept checking on Isaiah...since he is now on the opposite side of the house. At least my mom is coming in tonight and she is on the same side of the house as Isaiah...maybe I will sleep tonight!
I cannot remember the last time D and I watched a show together without Isaiah! Last night we actually got to watch American Idol. It was great and there is another one on tonight. Because we never knew how Isaiah was going to sleep and becasue he was in our bed....i always had to go to bed when he did so that I would get enough sleep. Not that we know what kind of night he is going to have any night but the fact that he is in his crib gives me and d more time together.
Although last night I did not sleep well....people keep putting ideas in our head that we should be careful because Isaiah may get kidnapped....who says that to a mom and we aren't worried enough. So last night I thought heard noises in our house so I kept checking on Isaiah...since he is now on the opposite side of the house. At least my mom is coming in tonight and she is on the same side of the house as Isaiah...maybe I will sleep tonight!
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Some silly pictures of Isaiah playing
Monday, February 5, 2007
We did it!
First of all I would like to thank you for all of your prayers, support, and advise in regards to Isaiah sleeping. After reading all of your comments and talking to many family members and friends, I felt like it was time to put Isaiah in his crib. So we started on Friday night since Dave was here and I needed his support too! So we kept his normal bedtime routine...bath, read books while getting dressed, rock while he is having his bottle and listening to his cd.....then I put him in his crib and left the music on. So here is what happened the past three nights...
Night One
* Put him in his crib and he cried for 10 minutes....(a pretty bad screaming cry on and off for 10 minutes) and then he fell asleep.
* Then he woke up at 11 for a minute.
* Then he woke up at 12 and cried for about 10 minutes.
* Then he woke up at 2 for a minute.
* Then he woke up at 3:15 and cried for about 10 minutes.
* Then he woke up at 4:50...and since I was so used to giving him water or milk I went in and fed him some milk and left....he was not happy and then cried off and on until 5:40 when we decided to just get him up for the day.
Night Two
* Put him in his crib and he whined for about 10 minutes...and then fell asleep after about 20 minutes.
* Then he woke up at 10:15-11:15 and whined off and on every couple of minutes.
* Then he woke up from 1:15-2:15 and whined off and on again every couple of minutes.
* Then he woke up at 6:30!
Night Three
* I Put him in his crib and he didn't cry...he tossed and turned for about 15-20 minutes.
* He whined for a minute at 11:00 and 2:00.
* He woke up about 6:00!
Wow!! Please keep the prayers coming that he will continue this way!! Plus he wakes up so happy and silly in the morning. He is too cute! I guess he was just ready for this....I am not sure I was since he is such a cuddler at night...haha!
I would have to say that the things that helped me through this time was my sister-in-law Carrie saying that the things you HAVE to do in life are usually hard to do...and my friend Jill telling me that he will not remember this. Those two things I had to repeat to myself as he was crying. And I had Dave right next to me supporting me.
I guess Dave and I were keeping him up at night...everytime we would move in the bed it would wake him up. Poor little guy!
I havent slept great the past few nights since I am so nervous but I am sure I will get over that very soon! At least Isaiah is getting sleep and will be when the new baby arrives. Yeah!!!
Night One
* Put him in his crib and he cried for 10 minutes....(a pretty bad screaming cry on and off for 10 minutes) and then he fell asleep.
* Then he woke up at 11 for a minute.
* Then he woke up at 12 and cried for about 10 minutes.
* Then he woke up at 2 for a minute.
* Then he woke up at 3:15 and cried for about 10 minutes.
* Then he woke up at 4:50...and since I was so used to giving him water or milk I went in and fed him some milk and left....he was not happy and then cried off and on until 5:40 when we decided to just get him up for the day.
Night Two
* Put him in his crib and he whined for about 10 minutes...and then fell asleep after about 20 minutes.
* Then he woke up at 10:15-11:15 and whined off and on every couple of minutes.
* Then he woke up from 1:15-2:15 and whined off and on again every couple of minutes.
* Then he woke up at 6:30!
Night Three
* I Put him in his crib and he didn't cry...he tossed and turned for about 15-20 minutes.
* He whined for a minute at 11:00 and 2:00.
* He woke up about 6:00!
Wow!! Please keep the prayers coming that he will continue this way!! Plus he wakes up so happy and silly in the morning. He is too cute! I guess he was just ready for this....I am not sure I was since he is such a cuddler at night...haha!
I would have to say that the things that helped me through this time was my sister-in-law Carrie saying that the things you HAVE to do in life are usually hard to do...and my friend Jill telling me that he will not remember this. Those two things I had to repeat to myself as he was crying. And I had Dave right next to me supporting me.
I guess Dave and I were keeping him up at night...everytime we would move in the bed it would wake him up. Poor little guy!
I havent slept great the past few nights since I am so nervous but I am sure I will get over that very soon! At least Isaiah is getting sleep and will be when the new baby arrives. Yeah!!!
Thursday, February 1, 2007
What do we do??
As most of you already know...Isaiah sleeps in bed with us. He was in his crib for a little while, but every time we traveled he always ended up in bed with us.....either because he was sick, teething, or we just wanted some sleep.
We tried the Ferber method when he was about 8 1/2 months and it didn't work then. We are just so torn as to what to do.
We have 2 friends who had their first born's in bed with them and when the second ones came...then they put them in their crib and let them cry it out. Both said they cried for about an hour for three nights and now they are sleeping in their cribs.
Dave and I go back and forth...Isaiah does not sleep now even sleeping with us so I don't think that he would sleep any better in his crib and then we would be up and down the hall all night long. Plus...I would not be able to be the one to do it...I would have to leave the house for those nights and wait until he was sleeping to return home. Last time we did it...I felt so sick listening to him cry hysterically....there is no way I can do it being pregnant I don't think I should stress out about it.
So we are still debating what to do....we may wait until the baby arrives and see how he is then. A lot of people have said that between 14 and 16 months their babies started sleeping through the night if they were not before. Let's pray that Isaiah will do that soon!
We tried the Ferber method when he was about 8 1/2 months and it didn't work then. We are just so torn as to what to do.
We have 2 friends who had their first born's in bed with them and when the second ones came...then they put them in their crib and let them cry it out. Both said they cried for about an hour for three nights and now they are sleeping in their cribs.
Dave and I go back and forth...Isaiah does not sleep now even sleeping with us so I don't think that he would sleep any better in his crib and then we would be up and down the hall all night long. Plus...I would not be able to be the one to do it...I would have to leave the house for those nights and wait until he was sleeping to return home. Last time we did it...I felt so sick listening to him cry hysterically....there is no way I can do it being pregnant I don't think I should stress out about it.
So we are still debating what to do....we may wait until the baby arrives and see how he is then. A lot of people have said that between 14 and 16 months their babies started sleeping through the night if they were not before. Let's pray that Isaiah will do that soon!
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