Saturday, February 24, 2007

Family Day

Today was family day. We had such a great day. Well, first we cleaned around the house and did some laundry...not a whole lot of fun. But then we went to the mall just to walk around....

Now the mall is literally 2 minutes from our house but it took us 20 minutes to get there since they closed down the main street for a bike race. We did not know that...otherwise we may have opted to stay home....but we had to get a few things.

It was so fun to take Isaiah there....he has not been there since he started walking really well. He loved it! We obviously went a little slower than usual...but just enjoyed our time together. It was such a nice day too so we walked outside to some of the shops.

Then we decided to go for a walk when we returned home to meet some of our friends....Mike, Maria, Preston and Ella. Isaiah actually has not played with anyone his size that walks since he started walking this was so much fun for him to chase his little friend around. Plus we were at the park where there were a lot of people walking, walking their dogs, and playing golf...he had so much fun just running around.

We should all hopefully sleep well tonight with all the fresh air and running around.

We cannot wait for my sister Kristine to come in tomorrow. She has never been here so we are all looking forward to her visit. Plus she hasn't seen Isaiah since Christmas....Wow has he changed a lot. Now that I am I able to do a little more...we will have a great time!


Anonymous said...

You folks have your priorities in wonderful order. I can remember those days and although they will pass, you will be so glad that you took the time, enjoyed each other and your family, and have such sweet memories. I wish more moms could realize the rewards. Hope you and Kristine are having a brillant time!

Anonymous said...

family day was fun in the new ride...isaiah wants to walk everywhere so we are building up our lower back muscles....

kristine is here now...and her shift this am was terrific..she was on duty before 6am!