On Tuesday morning around 9am I started having contractions about 15 minutes apart...but thought they were Braxton Hicks. So me, my mom, and Isaiah went to the grocery store to pick up a few things.
When we got home I was going to lay down and take a nap but decided to have a snack (good thing I did since it was the only thing I ate until 8:30 at night).
Around 12:30 the contractions started coming about every 5 minutes and were very painful...so I called my doctor and he told me to go to the hospital. I called D to come home from work....when he got there....he wanted a snack and to get changed and take pictures...at the time I wanted to kill him because he was taking so long and I just wanted to get to the hospital!
We finally got there at 2pm and when the nurse checked me I was only 1cm dilated....I was in pain so I asked for the epidural....(which still took about an hour and a half to get since they have to fill you with fluids and take your blood). So finally at 3:30 I had an epidural and I was 3cm dilated.
I could still tell when I was having a contraction but not in pain any more!!
The nurse checked me at 5:20 and I was 6cm...wow! I did not think it would go that fast...so she said that she would call my doctor and have him come check me out....she also said that I would probably deliver before her shift was over (which was at 7pm)....I thought she was crazy!!
Dr. Nish got there at 6:20 and I was 8cm dilated so he broke my water and I was 9cm....He said he would check me in 20minutes and I would probably be able to push then....I was shocked...since my last delivery was 23 hours long!!!
So 20minutes later he came in and we did a practice push and you could see her head....then I had to wait until they set everything up...finally one push and she was out!!! I could not believe it!! He said I was a good pusher! Ha ha!
So the nurse was right...I delieved right before the end of her shift...She was the sweestest lady and she was glad I was there too since I was the only person that was in labor during their shift!!
It was amazing not knowing the sex of the baby and again we were completely surpised...since everyone thought it was another boy.
Labor was only 5 hours in the hospital or 7 hours if you include the time at home...what a difference from last time!
Hope is such an amazing miracle and blessing! We can't wait for you too meet her!

So glad to here your delivery was easier and I love the name Hope. She is a cutie.
she looks beautiful and I'm so happy to see her in pink not yellow or green! Love you baby!
She is beautiful==hate to copy what everyone is saying, but it is true. We will continue to pray for
-sleep for everyone
-health for all
-good transition for Isaiah
-that your family continues to be a blessing and inspiration
May God Bless and Keep You, May He make his face SHINE upon you. May he continue to give you HOPE.
Thanks for including us in how it all happened. Hey, noticed one of the comments was by Theresa...any influence on Hope's middle name??
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