Isaiah had a play date yesterday with Presley. He was not the best at sharing and had a couple of outbursts. But they were so cute together. It was cute to see them
He used to have play dates more often, but everyone has been so sick lately. I wish family lived closer so that he could have more kids to play with more often....and that my sister's also would start families soon so that he would have more cousins around his age...ha ha!
But at least I realize now why babies are brought into this world not able to do anything on their own. If they were born ready to play and walk around....their older siblings would not take it well. At least by the time their younger siblings are able to play with them....they are somewhat used to them and the idea of sharing....unless you have twins and they have to learn early on that they have to wait and share.
It will definitely be interesting to see how Isaiah adapts to the new baby when he or she arrives. I know it will be a challenge at first....but at least we will have visitors to occupy him in the beginning.
And no....I did not have the baby yet....We will definitely call you when he or she does finally arrive. We have our list all made up! 2 days until my actual due date! Yippee!
I thought I had a better picture....but this one will do!
And here is one from the other day when he was playing with Preston and Ella! (Sorry we couldn't get them to look at the camera!)
great pics...i hope that isaiah realizes that when he kisses his mama's belly that it is the baby he will see in a few days...
isaiah does need some sharing lessons...but, we will show him grace until he is 18months:)
he is a crazy man...
note to self: when the dr. says your wife is going to deliver early and take it easy--let it go in one ear and out the other---my wife has been a trooper in the wait mode..
we are praying for a healthy baby and a quick delivery!
love pregnancy you will tell your Doctor how it's going to go because you know now what your body does. And thats the way it should be in my book. We are praying for your pregnancy maybe we should start praying for your delivery!
Take care kiss my godson for me.
Precious pictures. Isaiah's looks are changing...he's looking older. I'm sure he will be a big helper one day. I love Dave's comment..."we will show him grace until he is 18 months. You are both special and God has blessed you in the most sacred way.
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