I don't know how many of you know...but Arnold goes to our church. Since he broke his leg in a skiing accident....at the end of church he stands in the back. Well when Isaiah was learning to walk he would walk and grab on to anything. So a couple of times he ended up grabbing on the Arnold's leg and once he even walked to him. Arnold thinks he is so funny when he dances.
So yesterday at church...Monsignor took a picture of all of us together. Enjoy!
arnold wants me to be his double in his upcoming movies that he doesn't have time for now...but, i said i couldn't, i am about to have 2 kids....
i am glad monsignor made michele and her mom get in the picture!
Dave, I think he would have Isaiah be his double before you!!
You guys rub elbows with celebs we see how it is!
The "Terminator" doesn't look so tuff standing next to the I-man! As a matter of fact, I think G-Ma could take him. Regards, Tuffguy1650
Spencer and Autumn were quite impressed.
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