Thursday, March 1, 2007


I went to the doctor today. I am past the 36 week mark...yeah! But nothing is I am sure I will go late again or right on my due date.

So now we are in the waiting period. I remember last time...this last month is the worst because you are ready and you just have to wait until the baby is ready to come.

The only bad thing for me is that the baby is getting bigger and bigger everyday....meaning I could deliver a BIG baby! Let's hope that is not the case.

Thank you all for your prayers! Now you can just pray that we have a safe delivery and a healthy baby!


Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! I'm sure you and Dave are so happy to have made it this far. I will pray for an easy delivery and healthy, not too big, bouncing baby! Hang in there and try to still get some rest. Tell Kristine we hope she has had a good time and to have a safe trip back.

Anonymous said...

only God knows when the baby will come...and it will be cooked to perfection...God's willing--
kristine is a great nanny---she is hired!