Thursday, May 10, 2007

Isaiah's Allergies

We heard back from Isaiah's allergist yesterday and...he is allergic to nuts.

There are two scales that they use. The allergy level is supposed to be a 50 and his is 68 out of 100. He is allergic to: Coconut, Almond, Peanuts, Pistachio, and Sesame.

The other scale he said Isaiah is a category 2 and 3. The highest category is a 6.

So he is on the lower end to the middle with his nut allergy. He will get tested again in 9 months and then they can tell if they are getting better or worse.

So we are now a nut free house. And we will have to be very careful when we go out to eat and when we are at other people's houses.

Hopefully he will outgrow them quickly!!


Anonymous said...

I know at least one nut in the house, can you tell me who it is?

Anonymous said...

Isn't is wonderful what medical technology can determine. I, too, hope that he outgrows his allergies soon. I can't imagine him not being able to have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Maybe by the time he is old enough to be able to eat them he will have outgrown the allergy.