Friday...D, Hope and I went down to Santa Monica for a dinner with Monsignor. It was a fantastic dinner and Hope was so good for it. Isaiah was a perfect angel for my mom too!! It was nice to get out but we were exhausted when we got home.
Saturday....Isaiah had soccer practice with Presley. They are so cute. Isaiah got up early again that morning and was definitely ready for a nap so...he was laying all over the field. Ha ha! Then I had a baby shower to go to for my friend Karen. It was so nice. It was small and outdoors but it was a lot of fun!

Sunday....We went down to Santa Monica for 9:30 mass and met Mr. and Mrs. Socha, Sara, and Ashely there. Then we went to lunch at our favorite place on Third Street. Later that afternoon we went to the first Santa Clarita Fair. Isaiah had so much fun. He loved the petting zoo where he fed and pet a camel, ducks, pigs, goats, and a zebra!! He also saw a very scary tiger show. Then we took him on some rides and played some games. At the end we took him to see a sea lion show....he did not take his eyes off the show once....he loved it so much!! I feel like we are always going to see animals now...ha ha!!

Monday...Was Brent's 18th Birthday!! We surprised him and went out to dinner at Woodranch with Randy, Rachael, Mike, Maria, Preston, Ella, and Mrs. Socha. He loved the food! When he came home we had a ton of ballons in his room...ha ha! I hope he had fun! We did even though are kids were crazy at dinner.
Tomorrow we are off to Buffalo. I will try and update while we are there.
You are all wonderful to make such a special day for Brent---thank you so much. I wish I could have been there but it is truly a blessing to know that he has 'family' there too.
May God continue to bless you--The Emanuels
I've been checking for blog updates but I know how busy things get. The wait was worth it...great fun and great pictures. Have a safe trip to Buffalo. Gosh, it seems like I just talked to your mom the day before she was leaving. Please tell her hello and I'll be in touch.
I don't know if you will check this when you are in town but I thought D liked the Barenaked Ladies and I just read that they are playing at Artpark this saturday, the 16th at 7:30 pm. If he is interested there is more info at www.artpark.net
Hope to see you while you are here!!
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