Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My baby boy is 3! (Can you believe it?)

I cannot believe he is already 3! Time has definietly flown by...and he is not my baby boy...he is my big boy.

He is definitely ALL boy. He loves his cars, trucks, trains, sports, and playing rough. But he is also my sweet little boy. Just as I was sitting down to write this...he says:

Isaiah: Mommy are you getting tired?

Me: A little.

Isaiah: Don't get tired...I love you and want to play with you. (My heart just melts:)

He is also such a silly little boy. The things that always come out of his mouth make me laugh, smile...and sometimes want to laugh when I know I shouldn't.

He is also a great big brother...most of the time. He had learned how to share with his sister and most of the time will let her play with him. They love to dance together...it is so cute to watch. We still have to remind him that she is little and not as strong as him. It is funny/sad to see him run by her and she goes down into a turtle postion for fear of her brother running into her. Hey at least she learns!

Happy Birthday Isaiah. Mommy, Daddy, and Hopey love you very much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog. It's how every child's life should be...having the love strong love from his mom...oh, and from the rest of the family, too. Happy birthday, Isaiah:)PS I don't want to say wait until he's 13 because the time does go by so fast. I know you are enjoying every minute of it...even when you are tired:)