Sunday, April 19, 2009


Isaiah has been really into playing games lately. We started by playing Old Maid and Go Fish. He catches on very quickly to games. The first few times we played Old Maid...he would laugh hysterically whenever someone else picked the Old Maid. It was so funny that he would get everyone laughing. He barely needs help getting his matches together. Then one day I showed him how to play memory and he amazed me again. He remembered where the matches were every time. He seriously beats me!! I love watching him learn and grow.

Now if I wasn't amazed enough with Isaiah...Hope blew me away. She knows all the names of the characters on the Old Maid cards and can match them up. She is a great player too. And there is more....we were playing memory with Isaiah...and Hope started to pick up the matches too!! I couldn't believe it.

They are both so much fun. And very competitive like their Mommy:)


Anonymous said...

man those kids are cute....

Aunt Kim said...

That is amazing. Children are a wonder and it is neat to watch them blossom. It is also neat to feel your love and enthusiasm as their wonderful mother. Keep on enjoying them!