Thursday, February 11, 2010

Still Waiting!!

We are still waiting for the baby. I am due in two days!!

I went to the doctor today. I have to go for a stress test on Monday to make sure everything is well with the baby. Then I will see the doctor on Tuesday to set an induce date. Of course if the baby makes their appearance before then....then I don't have to do any of those. I am hoping that the baby does come because I don't want to go to the hospital for the stress test...I want to go to the hospital to have the baby!! We will see and I will keep you all posted!

Thank you all for the prayers. We are really all looking forward to meeting our new little one:) Isaiah and Hope are getting a little impatient:)


Aunt Kathy said...

I am waiting to see your newest as well and will pray the baby comes before Monday to save you from the stress test. I have you mom on alert to keep me posted! Wishing you a quick and easy delivery!!

Carrie said...

Are you sure only Hope and Isaiah are getting impatient?? The baby will come, I pray it is sooner than Monday.

Sumner Family Fun said...

I'm predicting Sunday night...dark haired baby girl! xoxo! :)

Michele said...

Thanks everyone.

Yes Carrie we are all anxious. The waiting is hard. are too funny. We will soon see:)

Aunt Kim said...

Well, your did it...or should I say Micah made his entry in the world without being induced. We are so happy and can't wait to see the newest Socha family member. Love to all;-)