Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hope Turns 3!!!

Sorry so late with this post. I cannot believe how behind I am but of course we have been busy and I have had no time on the computer.

So can you believe my baby girl is 3??? I cannot!!! Hope never has had a haircut because I love long hair so, I promised on her birthday she could get one. I only let them trim it (which the lady said was a waste of time....but who cares.) We also had a bowling party for her. My kids love bowling ever since we started playing Wii. It was so much fun! Here are some pictures from her party!

Melanie & Rachael with their girls.

Kristine, Tyler, and my Mom.
My kiddos with the neighbors.

The Dora Cake!

Randy with Mrs. Socha and Micah!
Pa with lots of kiddos!
Hope with Rhea....she LOVES her!!!

So cute!!!
So excited!
After the haircut!
So happy...although she doesnt look like it.
Sitting so nice!


Aunt Kim said...

What beautiful pictures - made me feel like I was right there. It looks like everyone was having fun at the party. I can't believe Hope is 3. I loved the cake, too.

Aunt Kathy said...

Happy Easter!!!! Great pics of everyone. Hopes hair is cute--I would leave long to--Love the cake and hope you all enjoy Easter!