Finally another post. I am really trying to get better with posting. We are enjoying the beginning of the fall weather here and the start to our school year. Yes I am homeschooling again...but still just pre-k. The kids seem to like it and I really like it too. We are still figuring out some things but otherwise they are doing pretty well. I started with reading program for Isaiah that was supposed to be good...but we both did not like it and we stopped after day 2. He was not liking reading...and what is the point if he does not LOVE to read!! So...I am teaching him the same way I taught all my other students and he is liking it much better. Hope is doing great with it too. Another advantage of such a close age is I can teach them the same things...and they both get it!! LOVE it!
Here are some pictures that we took recently.
Date night with Dave and Micah. We have been trying to be better about going out on date nights since we have Ashley here. The big kids complain when we are leaving but we go around 2 or 3 in the afternoon and are back to put them in then they dont mind.

My big girl!! She is such a big girl and lost that baby sad:(
Loving her little bro!
What's going on?
Sipping on some water with help from my big sister:)
A day at the zoo! So much fun!
Kristine and Tyler came along:)

Checking out the bears.
Trying to get a group shot. Ashley is my photographer!! Love her:)
Pretty girl:)
My big boy! Getting so old...can you believe he is going to be 5!! in a couple months:(
Me and the moo! He is so adorable:)
Ashley and Micah! He loves her:)
The girls!
MICAH!!! I Love all the silly faces he makes:)
Group shot!
Isaiah and Pa....took forever to get one where they are both smiling!
Photo shoot...he was so smily that day!
Tyler just wanted to eat him.
Playing with grandma
Ok how did I miss this post?!? The pics are so great! I'm so proud of you posting pics!!! ;) I love that shot of Dave and Micah...precious! Give everyone kisses!
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