I finally got around to uploading pictures since we have begun our trip here. And as I looked at them...they all are about celebrating. Whether we are celebrating Christmas, New Years or being with friends and family...we are really enjoying all the celebrations! Hope you will too.
So...here is my update in pictures...as usual:)
Here are a couple of pictures from Thanksgiving before we left. We hosted again this year and had such a great time. Scott's family came again and my grandma came too! We played games and had such a blast...forgot how fun pictionary can be!! This picture is so cute:) Pa with his youngest grandsons!
LOL! Last year we squirted whip cream into Isaiah's mouth...he loved it so much that he remembered it from last year and kept asking to do it again!! Dave liked to squirt it in his face!!!

AND of course we could never forget Isaiah turned five* (tear) on Thanksgiving....where did the time go??
Now....onto California....
As soon as we got here the kids wanted a Christmas tree and to decorate so the first week year was very hectic...but we did it:) Here is our littlest helper:) He LOVED the ornaments! Thank goodness they were plastic! The only downfall was some of them had glitter so it would get all over him. LOL! Whenever we would let him crawl downstairs near the tree he would go right for the ornaments...we would say "No, no" and he would stop, turn around with a huge smile and then turn back around and grab them!! Little stinker!
Our biggest helper:)
My little workers:) They had a great time decorating (although I had to move a bunch later....they kept putting them right next to each other). AND every morning when I came down....I could tell they had moved them again!! Oh well...at least they were having a good time!

Micah meeting Aunt Leigh! (Ashley's mama!)

And onto another celebration....ASHLEY'S BIRTHDAY!!!! We love her! xoxoxo

Now to Disney on Ice....and this year it was called "Let's Celebrate"...so fitting for my post :)
Here they are waiting for it to begin!!
Isaiah did not like it this year! They put Nightmare Before Christmas in there...and he was scared! He went up top and didn't see the rest of the show. I don't know why they would put that in there.....seriously it is for kids and what kid watches that that would go to Disney on Ice?? Oh well...Hope loved it....it may just be a girls day next year:)
Great seats...super cheap!
Micah enjoying the show! He loved all the lights!

Mommy and Hopey watching the show...It was freezing in there!!!
Of course of all the things they could play with kids always love boxes! Here they are being silly.

Hope playing with Aunt Leigh:)
Hope right before she fell and bit her lip!! Not really surprised! Poor thing!
The boys enjoying a book and Micah enjoying an apple:)
I love their smiles:)

So pretty with all her jewelry!
Love him:)

haha....slicking the hair down! He has CRAZY hair...and I don't know what to do with it. I would love to get the top trimmed but Dave doesn't want too:(

Happy New Year!!! They love to celebrate New Years....I think it is the horns...LOL! We went this year and they picked out their own hats! Adorable! Of course we celebrate when London does...so at 5 our time...Hey they do not the difference:)
Some friends came to visit who Dave has not seen in over 7 years! They have a great family and we had a nice visit with them.
The kids favorite thing to do...jump on beds! Look at the height Isaiah gets!!!!
So silly!
WARNING****Nakey pictures follow****WARNING
My chubby little man:)


Night night:)
Big boonie!

The jet tub!!! So much fun! Micah says...hey let me in!! LOL! (Don't worry he went in!)

Pretty girl!

Yeah!! Dani, Gary, Mak, and Zach visit!!! We all had so much fun! The kids were so sad when they left and keep asking for them to come back!! We miss them too...our nightly talks are the best! :)
Silly girls!

And boy!
Check out my muscles!

Isaiah wanted to join soccer while we are here. We were not sure what to expect...they started with some drills and games.....then they put on jerseys and Coach Milton separeted them into teams. It was so great to watch! Isaiah he really good (seeing as how he has never really played). He almost scored 3 goals...he is one of the fastest on the team and it is so cute that he cheers his players on:) He also loves to dive and fall on the ground (like when he ice skates) and he like to check!!! Who taught him that??? Can't wait for next week to see how he does:)
Go blue team!
So happy:)
Oh by the way...Micah is 11 months tomorrow:( Can't believe how fast it is going!
Thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of your celebrations and how big the kids are getting. I love Micah's hair--agree with Dave don't cut it yet--to cute! That must be one spring loaded mattress-great pics of how high they get going. Looks like your family is having a wonderful time--enjoy and keep us posted.
What great postings and pictures. Your blog is so enjoyable. The kids are all beautiful and the blog really makes us stay connected. Keep up the good work! Glad you all had wonderful holidays and celebrations. We miss you all. Hugs to all the kiddos. Tell them we love hearing about them and seeing pictures. Happy 11 month to Micah!
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