Monday, March 28, 2011
Night 2 Without the Pappy
Hope did great! Dave put her down and it only took her 30 minutes to go to sleep. She only cried for a few minutes!! She did wake up a few times but Dave just covered her up and she whimpered a little bit. She still asks for it every night but is going all night without it! I am so proud of her! We went to buy a little gift for giving up her pappy...(I was going to buy it anyway but it worked out perfect that I could buy it for this occasion)...she got a Dora suitcase for all of our travels! She was so happy and rolled it around all day. We are also cutting nap time...only due to the loss of her pappy. I didn't want to make her upset about it. She was only sleeping about 45 minutes if she would go down anyways. I think she needs an occasional nap...but I think it will be in the car. Keep the prayers coming!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Hopey is 4!!!
I cannot believe Hope is 4! Where does the time go...seriously! It seems like just a little while ago she was a baby. And now...she is losing that baby look and becoming such a big girl! We celebrated Hope's birthday yesterday. It was so much fun. It was small but so nice and relaxing...which birthday parties usually are crazy for me. We rented a clubhouse room at a park like we did for Micah but this one was better. Enjoy the pictures!
Her godfather Randy with his two kids made the 3 1/2 hour drive down for her party...and then back up!! What a trooper he is!! Hope loves her godfather:)
Some of the kids couldn't make it last minute and some where late...but we started the craft and then they joined in!
The four little ones...with their monkey masks they made! Isaiah did an awesome job coloring is! So proud of him:)
Pin the tail on the monkey! least we didn't have any cheaters! LOL! Isaiah was the winner with the green tail in the middle:)
Happy birthday my little monkey:)
Trying to get together for a picture!
Presents!! She didn't have many to open because a lot of us ordered online and the didn't make it here yet! So she is excited to check the mail tomorrow!!!
Singing time!
Pretty Rhea!
So excited for her twin babies...she named them Tyler and Brooke:) (She is the hardest person to name her babies!!)
And now...the pappy release to heaven!!
So happy here:)
Bye bye pappys!
She wanted a monkey theme for her birthday! I love how sweet and innocent she is:)
Her godfather Randy with his two kids made the 3 1/2 hour drive down for her party...and then back up!! What a trooper he is!! Hope loves her godfather:)
She did great releasing tears! And is was so much better than Isaiah's. It was a cloudy, windy day so they were gone fast! Nighttime...not so much fun...poor baby. She cried for about an hour and woke up a few times during the night and cried. She was really upset. I never realized that she used to play with it too when she went to sleep. Today is night #2 so we will see how it goes. Dave put her down tonight and they was less crying so that is good! Just pray for her! The only thing that kept me from not giving it back was to keep telling myself that the right thing to do is not always the easiest thing to do!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
A Couple Quick Things...
1. Micah is walking all over the place. He started taking a few steps a week before he turned 1 (Superbowl Sunday). But two days ago he started walking more than crawling. I am actually very happy about this....I didn't think I would be but...its mostly a germ thing...I think crawling everywhere on the ground is so dirty and gross. So happy he is walking:) LOL!
2. We took Micah to the allergist today. We were going to have him blood tested but she talked us into skin testing since we would have the results today and if they weren't OK then we could blood test. Micah was a champ. Not even a cry, tear or anything. He was actually laughing. Turns out he is allergic to milk and eggs and slightly allergic to nuts (which we figured anyway). She said he would probably be fine with eggs in baked goods but not scrambles eggs. So, I was going to but Micah on organic toddler soy formula....not really many options....but she said that since he is allergic to milk if I put him on soy he could become allergic to that too?? Any thoughts?? The positive to this is that most kids outgrow milk and egg allergies between 3 and 5. So keep him in your prayers!
3. Lent....this year the kids are more involved in lent. Dave gave up sweets! (I couldn't do that...I need something to get me through the day since I cant tolerate caffeine). Instead I gave up facebook. I found myself always checking it and need a break from it. I also decided to give Dave more time at work so I am going to get up every morning at 7 instead of 7:30. The kids gave up a toy and they will get it back Easter Sunday! Isaiah is very excited about it. What are you doing for Lent?
4. Hope is really funny and using her cuteness to get what she wants. Today as we were running to put more change in the meter she kept telling me...."Stop running honey. Why are you running honey." LOL! So funny!
5. Please keep Isaiah in your prayers....he has had this dry cough for more than two weeks. He went to the doctor in the beginning of it and he thought it was allergies...but we are going to take him again tomorrow. It is so weird...he doesn't cough when he is playing or running around at all....more when he is laying down or sitting. I will keep you posted.
6. I saved the best for last (well the best for me that is)...Micah is sleeping through the night. Before Kerri and Joe got here we were desperate. Micah was waking 4 or 5 times a night and the only way to get him back to sleep was to nurse him. I was exhausted!!! So we decided to change the sleeping arrangements around. We put Micah in his own room and now we have a dorm with with the kids! LOL! There are three mattresses on the floor. Micah cried the first night for an hour when I put him in and than on and off for 1 1/2 hour during the night. Usually he sleeps all night but cries out here and there. I am so thankful for all the sleep we are all getting. We truely needed it! God is good:)
2. We took Micah to the allergist today. We were going to have him blood tested but she talked us into skin testing since we would have the results today and if they weren't OK then we could blood test. Micah was a champ. Not even a cry, tear or anything. He was actually laughing. Turns out he is allergic to milk and eggs and slightly allergic to nuts (which we figured anyway). She said he would probably be fine with eggs in baked goods but not scrambles eggs. So, I was going to but Micah on organic toddler soy formula....not really many options....but she said that since he is allergic to milk if I put him on soy he could become allergic to that too?? Any thoughts?? The positive to this is that most kids outgrow milk and egg allergies between 3 and 5. So keep him in your prayers!
3. Lent....this year the kids are more involved in lent. Dave gave up sweets! (I couldn't do that...I need something to get me through the day since I cant tolerate caffeine). Instead I gave up facebook. I found myself always checking it and need a break from it. I also decided to give Dave more time at work so I am going to get up every morning at 7 instead of 7:30. The kids gave up a toy and they will get it back Easter Sunday! Isaiah is very excited about it. What are you doing for Lent?
4. Hope is really funny and using her cuteness to get what she wants. Today as we were running to put more change in the meter she kept telling me...."Stop running honey. Why are you running honey." LOL! So funny!
5. Please keep Isaiah in your prayers....he has had this dry cough for more than two weeks. He went to the doctor in the beginning of it and he thought it was allergies...but we are going to take him again tomorrow. It is so weird...he doesn't cough when he is playing or running around at all....more when he is laying down or sitting. I will keep you posted.
6. I saved the best for last (well the best for me that is)...Micah is sleeping through the night. Before Kerri and Joe got here we were desperate. Micah was waking 4 or 5 times a night and the only way to get him back to sleep was to nurse him. I was exhausted!!! So we decided to change the sleeping arrangements around. We put Micah in his own room and now we have a dorm with with the kids! LOL! There are three mattresses on the floor. Micah cried the first night for an hour when I put him in and than on and off for 1 1/2 hour during the night. Usually he sleeps all night but cries out here and there. I am so thankful for all the sleep we are all getting. We truely needed it! God is good:)
Monday, March 7, 2011
February 2011
It has been so long AGAIN since I posted. I was trying to do better but it didn't happen. I can always tell it has been way to long by the number of pictures I have to upload....this time 43! (And of course those are only the ones that make it here!)
Hope with all her jewelry...don't get any ideas for her birthday...she only puts them all on for a few minutes and then they go back in her jewelry box!! She doesn't wear them out at all. She is really silly!

Hope is also taking ballet at the Y just like her cousins Ana, Monica, and Makenzie! She likes it but it is not like a real dance class where they learn a routine. She has her "recital" this Friday....we will see how it goes! LOL!
Micah playing with the stroller at the park.
The kids playing with their friends Isabella and Caden at the park.
Makenzie and Zach came down to visit. We went to the aquarium and a ride on the carousel! So much fun!
Isaiah's hat he made at the aquarium. Great coloring job!
Kerri and Joe came into town for a visit! The kids have been asking since we got here in December when they were coming! They were so excited! We went to the pier to ride on rides and of course only 2 were open. Here is Isaiah and Joe on the scrambler. Kerri and Hope went on the Ferris Wheel....I couldn't catch a picture of them...not because it goes so fast...but because you can barely see them inside the car!
Since you have seen them last...they are growing...and have some really BIG muscles! LOL!
Hope is also taking ballet at the Y just like her cousins Ana, Monica, and Makenzie! She likes it but it is not like a real dance class where they learn a routine. She has her "recital" this Friday....we will see how it goes! LOL!
***I almost forgot to mention that Joe proposed to Kerri on this trip...and she said YES!! So exciting! I am so happy to help plan another wedding and to soon have another great brother in law!! Love you guys!!***
And Micah and I just watched them:)
We also went to the Long Beach Aquarium. So cool! Here is Joe petting a shark!
And Dave too! You wont see any of the kids...because they wont touch anything!!! (Not that I should talk...I didn't touch anything either! LOL!)
And they touched a huge sting ray!
Dave said it felt like leather.
There was also a bird sanctuary. Joe and Isaiah decided to feed the birds. Us girls took the pictures and got out of there! Those birds were crazy! Joe had 2 on each shoulder, one on his arm and one on his head! Too bad I didn't get that one!!
Joe and the stingray!
Two of my silly kiddos!
Isaiah feeding the birds.
I love this one...look at all the cool color fish! Hope wanted a purple one!
Look at the creepy eel! Yikes!
Kerri, Joe and Isaiah trying to figure out the fountain...never did! LOL!
Kerri and Hope with all the fish!
Micah's 1st birthday!! He didn't take his 2nd he was so exhausted!
The cake:)
The girls:) So cute!
Dave was throwing the kids in the air...This is Lily! She is so light...but she also lays out...So crazy to watch!
See Hope...not so crazy...but still really high!
Singing time! Micah was miserable at this point and the only thing that made him happy was the lighter!
Micah's silly smile he will do on funny! Isaiah did it too when he was little.
A game of duck, duck, goose. The kids had a great well as the BIG kids:)
Loves getting sung too:)
Me and Presley! She is so adorable:)
More duck, duck, goose...good times!
We went for a play date to Jill, Presley, Lily and Rocco's house. She left for about 15 minutes to pick up Lily so I decided to take some pictures of me with 5 kids! LOL!. Rocco doesn't look like he wants to be in there!
Who is this guy attacking me???
And these 3 being silly eating lunch! HAHA! I love them!:)
And this one is TOO cute!
Fun at the beach...Micah did not like the sand!
Hope loving it even though the water was freezing! She had to pee (how unusual) so I told her to go in the water....she pulled down her swimsuit!!! Oh boy! She did end up going...I don't know how! I could barely put my feet in!
Micah's first haircut! I should have known this was not going to be fun! He HATES when I brush his hair! He wiggled, he cried (a little) we changed positions A LOT...but we got it done! I was sweating! I put the kids in charge of taking pictures of Micah while getting his haircut...little did I know...they took 50 (not even joking) pictures! Not of Micah but of everything else in the place! The other people must have thought I was crazy! LOL!
We are keeping busy here...Isaiah is in soccer 2 times a week. He is also taking piano lessons and really enjoying them. I am learning a lot too! I really have to pay attention since I am the one who has to teach him at home! Hope is doing ballet which ends this week. And Micah is doing the alternative allergist and is going to see another allergist so that we can blood test him to find out all his allergies. It is so scary! He breaks out in hives just from touching dairy! Poor baby! Now one to plan another birthday party! Hope is going to be 4 soon:(
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