I cannot believe Hope is 4! Where does the time go...seriously! It seems like just a little while ago she was a baby. And now...she is losing that baby look and becoming such a big girl! We celebrated Hope's birthday yesterday. It was so much fun. It was small but so nice and relaxing...which birthday parties usually are crazy for me. We rented a clubhouse room at a park like we did for Micah but this one was better. Enjoy the pictures!
She wanted a monkey theme for her birthday! I love how sweet and innocent she is:)
Her godfather Randy with his two kids made the 3 1/2 hour drive down for her party...and then back up!! What a trooper he is!! Hope loves her godfather:)

Some of the kids couldn't make it last minute and some where late...but we started the craft and then they joined in!

The four little ones...with their monkey masks they made! Isaiah did an awesome job coloring is! So proud of him:)

Pin the tail on the monkey! Well....at least we didn't have any cheaters! LOL! Isaiah was the winner with the green tail in the middle:)

Happy birthday my little monkey:)

Trying to get together for a picture!

Presents!! She didn't have many to open because a lot of us ordered online and the didn't make it here yet! So she is excited to check the mail tomorrow!!!

Singing time!

Pretty Rhea!

So excited for her twin babies...she named them Tyler and Brooke:) (She is the hardest person to name her babies!!)

And now...the pappy release to heaven!!

So happy here:)


Bye bye pappys!
She did great releasing them...no tears! And is was so much better than Isaiah's. It was a cloudy, windy day so they were gone fast! Nighttime...not so much fun...poor baby. She cried for about an hour and woke up a few times during the night and cried. She was really upset. I never realized that she used to play with it too when she went to sleep. Today is night #2 so we will see how it goes. Dave put her down tonight and they was less crying so that is good! Just pray for her! The only thing that kept me from not giving it back was to keep telling myself that the right thing to do is not always the easiest thing to do!
1 comment:
Their smiles are great! They are growing way to quick. I was searching for Micah and guess that is him standing behind Hope and the twin dolls in jeans and orange top--to cute and getting so big. Can't wait to see everyone!
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