Monday, February 26, 2007

Isaiah's Doctors Appointment

Today we went in for Isaiah's 15 month check-up. We didn't get shots for Isaiah at 12 months because we were moving, he had a cold, and it was very hectic around here. We were glad that we didn't because he ended up with a really bad cold and the shots may have made symptoms worse.

Last night Isaiah was up most the night and would only sleep on mommy or daddy...mostly daddy! And his nose started running....he must sense when he is going to get shots..ha ha! But we were going in today anyway and not going to get the shots again.

Well it ends up that all four of his molars are coming in and will break through sometime in the next month. And he has ear infections...on a scale of 1-5...5 being the worst....the one ear is a 3 and the other a 1 1/2. So now he is on antibiotics and we go back in 10 days to have him checked again. Hopefully he will feel better soon....although he does not like to take the medicine. I hardly got any of it down tonight...but Mrs. Socha told us a way to we will try it in the morning. I hope it works so we can get the medicine in him to make him feel better.


Anonymous said...

Poor little guy. Hope that Isaiah will be feeling better soon. Those ear infections are hard on the whole family.

Anonymous said...

yes, our little guy has had a tough time sleeping...God's willing it gets better....and the left over chicken wings..may be just as good last night(michele's crockpot is putting out some good eats)
