Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our Anniversary!

Yesterday was our 4 year wedding anniversary!!!!

We decided to go to Niagara-on-the-Lake to celebrate and stayed overnight!! This was my first night away from the kids (except when Hope was born)....and they did great!! I don't even know if they really missed us. They had so many people here to entertain them that they loved every minute of it.

We had a great time. We went up on Wednesday morning and had lunch there. Then we walked the main street and did some shopping (actually Dave did most of the shopping....not me!) Then we went to a winery and did some wine tasting. We are not big drinkers but love the ice wine there and had to pick some up for Dave's mom. It is so good...very sweet! Then we headed to our hotel to get ready for dinner.

Dinner was OK...we are so spoiled in the US. I really wanted a nice steak dinner...and do you know what they told me....go over the border to the casino..HA HA! Anyway, we went to this really cute restaurant and I had steak, but no A1 sauce...what!!?? My very loving husband ran to the convenient store next door to get me some....but it was so nasty. How can they call it A1!! Anyway, we had a great time. Then we went back to the hotel and watched a movie (another chick flick...poor guy I owe him like 5 movies already..ha ha!).

I was so excited to go to bed and not to have to worry about the kids waking up or crying or kicking me....and I COULD NOT sleep! I was up until 3am! I was exhausted today. It was crazy!

Today we went to a few antique shops they had there. Dave found this really awesome desk that they are going to deliver next week. And we found Isaiah an old Tonka metal dump truck...he loves it! Then we decided to head back and get some good food on this side of the border. Sushi...YUM!

We had an amazing time. And now I won't be so nervous leaving them next time. They did great! Thanks Mom and Dad!

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Miracle

We bought a trampoline for the kids and the love it. It has helped Hope become a little more coordinated (she is very clumsy) and a much better jumper and runner.

We have always worried about it with the kids and all the accidents you hear. We have been debating taking it down until they were older...and after is coming down.

Isaiah was outside with Dave and was jumping like he always does. Then he came running to Dave and said his arm hurt. Dave carried him in and laid him on the couch. He would not move his arm and said it hurt from his elbow down. After 10 minutes of trying to move him or getting him to move it to no avail, we decided we had to go to the hospital. Of course he did not want to go since he has been to the doctor so much lately, but he would not move his arm.

We got there and he was exhausted (it was 7 which is his bedtime). They were very nice there and we really were blessed that nobody was there and we walked right up.

They decided to take x-rays of his arm. They would not let us go back there so we had to hand him over to the two very nice radiologists. (Here is where the miracle takes place). When they brought him back out to us...he was holding his arm up with stickers in his hand. This was the same arm he would not move. The radiologist said that when she went to move his arm (which he was very hesitant about) to get it in position for the xray...something popped.

They said it was Nursemaid's Elbow, which is common for kids under the age of 5. A bone that runs from your elbow to wrist does not fit into the socket yet and can pop out. Usually it happens if you yank on their arm. So he must have really landed funny.

Thank God that is all it was! We were so happy to have our happy little boy back and healthy! Today as we watched him run and play...we were very thankful and felt very blessed.


Yes...I have been very quiet lately. We have finally finished our season favorite shows. As you all know we love 24 and American Idol here.

24 was a great season...but I HATE how it ended. It left me wanting more and it ususally is not like that. The good news is that at least there will be one more season.

American Idol this year was one of the best years. I was a hugh Kris Allen and Danny Gokey fan from the beginning. I am so glad that Kris won. He seems like a great guy and was also a worship leader at his church. Actually, my husband told me that 6 of the top 13 were worship leaders. Isn't that amazing. So...did you watch? Who did you like?


Dave and I went to the Catholic Homeschooling Conference a few weeks ago. They had some great stuff there and I was talked into becoming a consultant for Usborne Books. I am not going to have parties, or sell anything really. I only got it because I bought a bunch of great books and wanted to buy a few more. So this way I get some for free! You can check it out and if you want to order great...but do not feel like you have too. Their books are great though! Thanks!

Here is the link.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

May...Communions and Mother's Day

I know I have been bad again at posting. So here is my monthly update in pictures! Ha ha!

Macy made her first communion this month. Here are my silly kids at the party. They act like they never have seen silverware, plates, and coffee mugs. They tore their seat apart! Ha ha!
Hope loving her cheese. I love her eyes in this one.
Isaiah being silly as usual!
The first communion girl, her brother Sam and the kiddos. Hope is still too busy eating that cheese to smile.
Isaiah with the boys. Sam, Elijah, and Aaron. They are very silly together. (Cyndee you should see the other shots I have and the silly faces Sam makes. He is so funny.)
Here is Isaiah with all the neighbors. He LOVES them. He had such a great time at Kone King with them. Don't worry...Hope is there, she just prefers to sit with the adults!
Hope all the mom's had a great Mother's day this year. Last year, my mom and I went to the outlet mall and found some great deals as well as had a great time together. So before Dave went out and bought me anything...I told him I wanted the same gift as last year....A day shopping with my mom. Kristine came along too and we had such a great time. It was kind of nice not rushing though and trying to entertain 2 kids. Maybe I should ask for the same thing next year.. hint hint:)
Here is Kerri with her boyfriend Joe. I made my mom (and Mrs. Socha) a photo book for Mother's day. Kerri was not even in one picture (not on purpose...but I only put in pictures of the grandparents with the grand kids...and the ones I had of her were really blurry). So on Mother's Day this year....she kept telling the kids "picture time" I have like 10 pictures of that day with her and the kids. Hopefully she will make it in the book next year! Ha ha!
See what I mean.
Enough already!
Hope's car seat came inside for some reason and these two like to pretend they are driving in the car. Although Hope did not like her brother in HER seat! They are too funny.
Hope you are all doing well! Let me know how you are all doing.

The Thrush Continues...

Sorry it has taken me so long to update about Isaiah...but I didn't have anything to update about. We just finally got back the results for his tests and everything came back great. Thank you for the prayers.

He still has the thrush (3 weeks now) and now Hope has it too. I feel so bad for them because some foods burn their mouths and they scream. We have been trying to avoid some of their ketchup. At least Isaiah really understands that it will burn and hurt and does not ask for it.

The medicine they prescribed for the thrush was not working for Isaiah. We have seen some alternative doctors and have started them with some homeopathic stuff and acidolpholysis (sp?). Please pray that this works. The doctor said he may just have it for awhile and it will go away on its own.

It is crazy how much we are washing things and wiping things down...and we thought we did that enough.

But looking at the bright side of the situation....Hope is extremely attached to her "pappy" and "pinky" (her lovie). We are not allowing them to have their pappies unless they are napping or sleeping at night. Yesterday, she asked for it and would cry when we told her no, but we just distracted her and she was fine. Today, she hasn't really asked for it that I am so thankful for that. We are going to just keep it that way for good. She would take them with her everywhere!

Hopefully they will get better soon. We don't want to go to play dates or classes for fear of passing it on. They do play outside with the neighbors who are older and whom they LOVE! But we are looking forward to play dates soon!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Lately my life feels like it is full of appointments. We are always going to some kind of appointment like the doctor, the allergist, the chiropractor...It is never ending.

Last week Isaiah got this horrible rash in his mouth so off we went again to the doctor. They said it was Thrush (which is what I thought it was...although I had no idea you could get it so late) and put him on some medicine. AND if it didn't clear up in a week to bring him back. Of course it did not clear up and actually got worse. So off we went back to the doctor. He sent us for some blood work to make sure it was not an immune problem.

The blood test was HORRIBLE. Isaiah screamed and cried the first time....yes I said the first time because they had some tech try and do it and it didn't work. So we had to calm him down and bring him back in. We had 4 people holding him down and he was screaming and crying. We felt so terrible, but had to do it to make sure nothing is wrong. We get the results back next week. Please pray that it is just a yeast infection and that is goes away.

We have been to some alternative doctors since then and he was sensitive to the medication that they put him on....which is why is was so irritable all last week, and why he couldn't concentrate. His rash is getting a lot better....but one day it looks like it is gone and the next it is back. So weird. But he is acting like himself again:)

We have been contemplating on how to do his allergy testing that he is due for next month. After this experience, we are not going to blood test him, we are going to do the skin tests. I will let you know when we are going to do those so that we have your prayers with us.