Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Thrush Continues...

Sorry it has taken me so long to update about Isaiah...but I didn't have anything to update about. We just finally got back the results for his tests and everything came back great. Thank you for the prayers.

He still has the thrush (3 weeks now) and now Hope has it too. I feel so bad for them because some foods burn their mouths and they scream. We have been trying to avoid some of their ketchup. At least Isaiah really understands that it will burn and hurt and does not ask for it.

The medicine they prescribed for the thrush was not working for Isaiah. We have seen some alternative doctors and have started them with some homeopathic stuff and acidolpholysis (sp?). Please pray that this works. The doctor said he may just have it for awhile and it will go away on its own.

It is crazy how much we are washing things and wiping things down...and we thought we did that enough.

But looking at the bright side of the situation....Hope is extremely attached to her "pappy" and "pinky" (her lovie). We are not allowing them to have their pappies unless they are napping or sleeping at night. Yesterday, she asked for it and would cry when we told her no, but we just distracted her and she was fine. Today, she hasn't really asked for it that I am so thankful for that. We are going to just keep it that way for good. She would take them with her everywhere!

Hopefully they will get better soon. We don't want to go to play dates or classes for fear of passing it on. They do play outside with the neighbors who are older and whom they LOVE! But we are looking forward to play dates soon!


Carrie said...

Michele, I was so sad to read the kids still have thrush. I thought only babies got that..wierd. Sounds like there really is no remedy except for it to run its course. Poor kiddos. Tell them we send our love and tell Isaiah to call us we miss his phone calls.
Hope you all are well besides!!!

Aunt Kim said...

Wow, that is too bad. How are the kids now? I read the Mother's Day blog so I am assuming that they are better?? I hope so and also that Hope continues to do well without the binky...I think you called it something else ;-)

Aunt Kim said...

What a wonderful blog and pictures. I enjoyed every picture and description. Made me feel like I was there! Hope you are enjoying your company.