Thursday, January 21, 2010

36 almost 37 weeks!

Yes...I am counting down!!! Feel a lot bigger than last week and looking a lot bigger. I think the pregnancy glow is gone and exhaustion has set in. HA HA! I usually need a nap every day!

I went for another sonogram on Tuesday because last week I was measuring small (after measuring so big for so long...go figure!) But every thing looks great and the baby is measuring big too. So who knows. I go to the doctor again tomorrow...I am every week now...So I will let you know if there is any progress.

I am very anxious for Kristine and Scott's little one to arrive. She is due in 5 days but they will induce on Feb 1st!! Getting close for everyone. I think the kids are getting anxious too!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Funny Things My Kids Say...

(While playing Wii Bowling)
Mom can you put the bumper things on!! (He wanted to bumper bowl like at his party...LOL!!)

(At church today)
Mom when is the show starting??

They are so funny. I need to write down some more silly things they say so I don't forget them.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

34 Weeks!

I realized that I haven't posted pictures of my growing belly lately. LOL!! So here are some from tonight. Wow...I take way better pictures in the morning. LOL! Don't mind the messy hair and glasses....only look at the belly. LOL!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year and Happy Anniversary to Us!

Happy New Year everyone!! Hope you had a good time ringing in the new year. We did not make it to midnight! Too tired!! HA HA! But we had a great night. We told the kids all about New Year's, they watch some other countries ring in the new year, and we had a parade around our house with their hats and horns. They were so cute. We also played a bunch of games. They LOVE to play games and both of them catch on very quickly.

Also...Happy Anniversary to all of us!! HA HA! I started this blog 3 years ago! So crazy to think of so much time passing but I enjoy sharing with all of you. I hope you like it too!

So here are some pictures I promised. I guess I did not take a lot....oh well. We did take some video though.

The kids coming down and seeing their presents! They were excited!

Ummm....which ones are mine??
Happy New Year!!! They love the horns....and I can stand the noise for one day! HA HA! Except I left them out and woke up to them the next morning! LOL!
OH...Hopey smiling and waiting to open gifts! We made them go slow and enjoy it. Then they knew who all the gifts were from. They also liked handing out the gift to me, Dave, and my family! They are getting so big!
Isaiah loves to make a John Deere dealership with his Lincoln Logs. We have been doing this daily. He has such a good imagination. We usually do this when Hope is sleeping because she loves to knock down the building as soon as you build them!