Wednesday, October 31, 2007

All Hallows Eve

I was going to make Isaiah a lion and Hope a mouse...but after searching for a LONG time....there were not any cute toddler lion costumes AND the costumedswere so expensive.

If we were going to a party maybe I would spend extra on costumes but...since they are in them for about an hour...and we only walk around the mall...these were just as cute! Enjoy!

Here's our crazy little girl!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

It's Good to be Home...It's Bad to be Home

It is so nice to be home again! It is always nice to visit everyone but it is always nice to come home.

The only bad thing is that Isaiah was so used to sleeping with us...that now we have find a way to get him to like his bed again. We changed him to a big boy bed and took everything out of his room except his bed and books and the animals he sleeps with. Last night...he was so tired (because they are both still on east coast time) and he wanted nothing to do with his bed. So Dave spent half the night on the floor with him and I spent the other half. At least he was in his room and we made a big deal about him sleeping there. So now he is in there for his nap. He is NOT sleeping in his bed but on the floor with his giant pillow. Oh well..whatever works. He didn't cry though. It was funny to watch him (because we have a video monitor). He kept getting in and out of his crib and looking for me....probably to see if I would make him get back in his bed. It was so cute! So we will see what happens tonight.

Hope is a crazy little girl. She loves that she can move and get into everything. She loves finding Isaiah's juice cup and drinking it. And now she is pulling herself up on her knees and then trying to stand. She is too funny! It looks so funny because she is so tiny....but she is so happy!

Now we are all just trying to adjust to west coast time. Hopefully they will be better tonight. Hope keeps getting up at 4:30am and thinks it is morning. And Isaiah is slowing getting later. It always takes a good 3 to 4 days to get them back on time. So tonight is night #3!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's A Miracle

All four babies are sleeping at the same time....all on 4 corners of the house! I dont think that has ever happened before.

Well we have been busy here. Ana goes to a couple different play groups a week so..we have been tagging along. Yesterday we went to a gymnastics place and today to a pumpkin patch. I was going to post pictures but...Hope is up. I guess it couldn't last too long =)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Your in Luck...

Dave accidently packed the camera here are some pictures from our trip so far.

My parents had bought Isaiah a ball house last time we were there. This time it popped so we bought him a new one. Here is the teamwork we used to blow up the new one...and after all that work...we ended up returning it because it was too dangerous for him. He kept falling off into the wall.
My sister used to be a photographer and wanted to take some pictures of us. Too bad Hope has stranger anxiety and wouldn't cooperate.
But...she loves her Grandma!!
I love this one of our family!!
Getting kisses from Tine...that's what Isaiah calls her.
Dave was trying to get Isaiah to like the vaccum cleaner who we call Dyson....but I think he just scared him a little more....And Kerri was just left with huge knots in her hair. What we do for our kids...haha!
We carved a pumpkin for fall this year...and this was Isaiah's reaction when he saw Pumpkee (that's how Isaiah says pumpkin)!
Do you think he loved it??
But now pumpkee is all gone...because Tootsie the doggie ate it! Uh oh!
This is what became of the ball house....a box a balls...and they LOVED it! Good thinking Pa!
Just some cute ones of the kiddos!

What else have we been up to...

While in Buffalo...we did not really see any one. I was relaxing and Dave was in and out of town.

But I did take on a new role as travel agent and realtor. I had to book all Dave's flights and our flights and book rental cars. And we started to look for houses and a commerical building in Buffalo for Dave's company. Now don't get too excited...I won't believe we are moving until Dave actually signs some kind of papers and orders some moving trucks. We have looked before and nothing has happened....but I can always hope.

Hope is moving all over. She learned to crawl and is all over. She hasn't mastered the speed yet...but I am sure it is coming soon. She is getting better with her stranger anxiety too! Yeah!

Isaiah had 2 allergic reactions to food while we were in Buffalo and we had to give him Benedryl. He broke out in hives and was itching everywhere. Poor thing. I can't wait to get home and keep working on his allergies.

Dave's company had to evacuate due to the fires in California, but they were back the next day. We have 3 fires right in our area. We are glad to be in Florida because I can only imagine how bad the air is there.

I will post a picture update when we get home.


Thank you all so much for the phone calls.

I guess with leaving for so long I did not realize that I forgot to post my results to all my tests.

All the tests came back normal. I have to go for a CT scan every 3 months for the next 2 years to make sure that the nodules in my lungs do not grow. So at least no PET scan again! Yeah!

So they said that I am having anxiety attacks. And they is not much you can do for them unless you want to take medicine that knocks you out....but that is not an option with two little ones. After talking with some family and friends...I realize they are very common and a lot of people get them.

So I have been trying to take it easy on our vacation while we are gone.

Right now we are in Florida visiting family. We will be home this weekend.

I will keep you posted on any other tests. Thanks for the prayers and concerns.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Dave will be on CNN Live tonight at 5pm ET. Check him out...we will be watching!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What an ordeal...

I went for my PET scan today to check the nodules in my lungs. The past two day have been horrible.

Yesterday I couldn't really eat anything besides meat and cheese and I could only drink water. I was starving yesterday because I usually eat all day long. So I was not in a good mood yesterday!

Then today when I got to the appointment...I had to drink this horrible drink that was making me sick. Then they had to inject fluid in my arm...and I passed out!! Since I passed out I didn't have to finish that drink but I felt horrible. I had to wait 45 minutes for the stuff to get in my system. Then I had to be in the machine for 30 minutes with my arms over my head. At one point I thought I was going to pass out again but I didn't. But my arms fell asleep from my shoulder to my elbow....that was a weird feeling.

I was so happy when it was all over. Then D took me out to a nice breakfast...although I didn't really feel too well. I started feeling better right when we got home. Thank God!

Thanks Mom for watching the kids! And thanks D for being there with me the whole time and being so supportive! I love you!

So...we will find out the results Wednesday or Thursday! So please pray they are benign and that they do not grow. And pray I never have to go for this test again!!!

Monday, October 1, 2007

What's New Here...

Hope is rolling, and rocking back and forth on all fours. She is so proud of herself! She gets everywhere! Take a look...

And Isaiah is talking more and more everyday! Look how big he is getting! Can you believe he is going to be two soon!! (I will have to try and videotape him later...although he doesn't really like to be on video sometimes!)