Monday, October 29, 2007

It's Good to be Home...It's Bad to be Home

It is so nice to be home again! It is always nice to visit everyone but it is always nice to come home.

The only bad thing is that Isaiah was so used to sleeping with us...that now we have find a way to get him to like his bed again. We changed him to a big boy bed and took everything out of his room except his bed and books and the animals he sleeps with. Last night...he was so tired (because they are both still on east coast time) and he wanted nothing to do with his bed. So Dave spent half the night on the floor with him and I spent the other half. At least he was in his room and we made a big deal about him sleeping there. So now he is in there for his nap. He is NOT sleeping in his bed but on the floor with his giant pillow. Oh well..whatever works. He didn't cry though. It was funny to watch him (because we have a video monitor). He kept getting in and out of his crib and looking for me....probably to see if I would make him get back in his bed. It was so cute! So we will see what happens tonight.

Hope is a crazy little girl. She loves that she can move and get into everything. She loves finding Isaiah's juice cup and drinking it. And now she is pulling herself up on her knees and then trying to stand. She is too funny! It looks so funny because she is so tiny....but she is so happy!

Now we are all just trying to adjust to west coast time. Hopefully they will be better tonight. Hope keeps getting up at 4:30am and thinks it is morning. And Isaiah is slowing getting later. It always takes a good 3 to 4 days to get them back on time. So tonight is night #3!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was so good to see all of you. I hope by now things are back to normal at bedtime since I am so late responding to your blog.