Thursday, May 14, 2009

May...Communions and Mother's Day

I know I have been bad again at posting. So here is my monthly update in pictures! Ha ha!

Macy made her first communion this month. Here are my silly kids at the party. They act like they never have seen silverware, plates, and coffee mugs. They tore their seat apart! Ha ha!
Hope loving her cheese. I love her eyes in this one.
Isaiah being silly as usual!
The first communion girl, her brother Sam and the kiddos. Hope is still too busy eating that cheese to smile.
Isaiah with the boys. Sam, Elijah, and Aaron. They are very silly together. (Cyndee you should see the other shots I have and the silly faces Sam makes. He is so funny.)
Here is Isaiah with all the neighbors. He LOVES them. He had such a great time at Kone King with them. Don't worry...Hope is there, she just prefers to sit with the adults!
Hope all the mom's had a great Mother's day this year. Last year, my mom and I went to the outlet mall and found some great deals as well as had a great time together. So before Dave went out and bought me anything...I told him I wanted the same gift as last year....A day shopping with my mom. Kristine came along too and we had such a great time. It was kind of nice not rushing though and trying to entertain 2 kids. Maybe I should ask for the same thing next year.. hint hint:)
Here is Kerri with her boyfriend Joe. I made my mom (and Mrs. Socha) a photo book for Mother's day. Kerri was not even in one picture (not on purpose...but I only put in pictures of the grandparents with the grand kids...and the ones I had of her were really blurry). So on Mother's Day this year....she kept telling the kids "picture time" I have like 10 pictures of that day with her and the kids. Hopefully she will make it in the book next year! Ha ha!
See what I mean.
Enough already!
Hope's car seat came inside for some reason and these two like to pretend they are driving in the car. Although Hope did not like her brother in HER seat! They are too funny.
Hope you are all doing well! Let me know how you are all doing.


Aunt Kathy said...

Hope the kids are feeling better. Loved your pictures of everyone--I would think there would be a keeper of Kerri. That window seat in your home is a great background for pictures.

Maria LaRoe said...

Wow! Isaiah and Hope are getting so big! They are so cute! How is the thrush? I hope you all are well. Miss you guys!