Sunday, May 3, 2009


Lately my life feels like it is full of appointments. We are always going to some kind of appointment like the doctor, the allergist, the chiropractor...It is never ending.

Last week Isaiah got this horrible rash in his mouth so off we went again to the doctor. They said it was Thrush (which is what I thought it was...although I had no idea you could get it so late) and put him on some medicine. AND if it didn't clear up in a week to bring him back. Of course it did not clear up and actually got worse. So off we went back to the doctor. He sent us for some blood work to make sure it was not an immune problem.

The blood test was HORRIBLE. Isaiah screamed and cried the first time....yes I said the first time because they had some tech try and do it and it didn't work. So we had to calm him down and bring him back in. We had 4 people holding him down and he was screaming and crying. We felt so terrible, but had to do it to make sure nothing is wrong. We get the results back next week. Please pray that it is just a yeast infection and that is goes away.

We have been to some alternative doctors since then and he was sensitive to the medication that they put him on....which is why is was so irritable all last week, and why he couldn't concentrate. His rash is getting a lot better....but one day it looks like it is gone and the next it is back. So weird. But he is acting like himself again:)

We have been contemplating on how to do his allergy testing that he is due for next month. After this experience, we are not going to blood test him, we are going to do the skin tests. I will let you know when we are going to do those so that we have your prayers with us.


Aunt Kim said...

Wow you have been busy and it is too bad about Isaiah. What a terrible thing for him to be going through. I will pray and hope this week is a better week. Love to all;-)

Sumner Family Fun said...

Poor Isaiah! So sorry he and you guys are going through this! We will definitely be praying for him! My heart breaks over having to hold him down...they had to do that with Mak and she is still traumatized...not fun! Miss you guys! LOVE YOU! :)

Aunt Kathy said...

I remember Dan having thrush and it was awful--I feel bad for all of you! Blood work can be so easy with the right person and it is ashame Isaiah went through that.