Friday, May 22, 2009

A Miracle

We bought a trampoline for the kids and the love it. It has helped Hope become a little more coordinated (she is very clumsy) and a much better jumper and runner.

We have always worried about it with the kids and all the accidents you hear. We have been debating taking it down until they were older...and after is coming down.

Isaiah was outside with Dave and was jumping like he always does. Then he came running to Dave and said his arm hurt. Dave carried him in and laid him on the couch. He would not move his arm and said it hurt from his elbow down. After 10 minutes of trying to move him or getting him to move it to no avail, we decided we had to go to the hospital. Of course he did not want to go since he has been to the doctor so much lately, but he would not move his arm.

We got there and he was exhausted (it was 7 which is his bedtime). They were very nice there and we really were blessed that nobody was there and we walked right up.

They decided to take x-rays of his arm. They would not let us go back there so we had to hand him over to the two very nice radiologists. (Here is where the miracle takes place). When they brought him back out to us...he was holding his arm up with stickers in his hand. This was the same arm he would not move. The radiologist said that when she went to move his arm (which he was very hesitant about) to get it in position for the xray...something popped.

They said it was Nursemaid's Elbow, which is common for kids under the age of 5. A bone that runs from your elbow to wrist does not fit into the socket yet and can pop out. Usually it happens if you yank on their arm. So he must have really landed funny.

Thank God that is all it was! We were so happy to have our happy little boy back and healthy! Today as we watched him run and play...we were very thankful and felt very blessed.


Love,Tita said...

Thank God that is all it was. You are so lucky! In a few more years, they will be ready for it!

Aunt Kim said...

I heard about this from Aunt Kathy. I am so glad that it all turned out okay but what a day! I'm guessing maybe your pool will be opening soon;-)