Thursday, July 19, 2007

What's New Here

Well...Hope found her feet. She looks so cute playing with them. She hasn't tried to put them in her mouth yet...but I am sure that is coming soon.

Isaiah...he is just too funny. One day a few months ago...there was a fly in the house. Since we don't have a fly swatter I was using a towel to try and catch him. So now everyday we spend about 20 minutes (2 or 3 times a day) with Isaiah pulling out a towel and going fly hunting. He is so cute. We do have flies in our house everyday because some anonymous person leaves the door open a little too long and in they fly. I must kill at least one a day. I hate them because they land on me and the kids...yuck!!

Dave has been very busy at work with all the press they are receiving. (Not that he is spending less time with his family....he always makes sure we come first and that he can play with his kids everyday!) He will be on ABC world news tonight (last night they did a quick preview of the story). And his toys will be on The View next week...Those darn reporters...they switch dates on us all the time. But I will have to say that all this press did do some good with Dave and his Walmart problem! Thank God!

Me...well just trying to get everyone on some type of routine. Isaiah is sleeping in his bed but Dave is usually on the floor most of the night so we will be buying a crib tent this weekend. I am sure Isaiah wont like it but I would like my husband back! Ha ha! Not much else...just playing catch up since we were gone for 3 weeks and lots of doctor's appointments. Other than that...we are all doing well and are very happy and grateful for this time in our lives (even if we are all a little tired some days! =)


Anonymous said...

i would like to start sleeping in our bed too....i love isaiah...but, didn't marry him:)


Anonymous said...

How cute Hope (discovering feet) & Isaiah are. It's nice when they can be content with the simple things...we are can learn from that. Good luck with the sleeping!!