Thursday, September 27, 2007

What a Nightmare!

Hope went for her 6 month doctor's appointment today. If you don't already know....Hope is not very fond of men....and her doctor is a male...uh oh! (Let's hope she stays that way until she is 21....ha ha...I know we are dreamers!!)

When we got there we fed her cereal. She started crying when Dr. Al examined her and then was so upset. So we gave her a bottle and she was happy again until the nurse came in. She cried the whole time when she gave her the rototeq and then her two shots. So when we finally picked her up....she puked everywhere. And not like a little spit up that we are used was like an adult puking! It came out her nose and mouth and she couldn't breathe. She kept sneezing to get it out of her nose. And then the poor thing looked so out of it. Her eyes were so swollen and red and she could hardly open them. I felt so horrible....I could only imagine how she felt!

Thank God Dave came with me to this appointment. Usually I go by myself and he watched Isaiah at home. But since my mom is here....he came with me. I don't know what I would have done without him!

Anyway....Hope is 27 inches long and 15 pounds 13 ounces....She is in the 90%tile for height and 48%tile for weight! Kind of the body type we would all like....long and lean! Ha ha!

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