Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christmas Shopping

I offically started Christmas shopping today. I know...most people are already done and I am just starting. Between Thanksgiving, birthday's and doctor's appoinments...I haven't had much time.

I went to the mall today for a little bit with my Mom and the kiddos and I also did some online shopping.

So for all of you out there that we buy gifts for....if you have any ideas let me know. It will make my life so much easier and you will get what you want!

The stores are not that crowded...I wonder if it is different here than in Buffalo. It was always packed there and I don't see that rush here. Maybe it is just on the weekends...but I try and avoid going then.

I am going to go out tomorrow morning too while my Mom watches the kids to see if I can accomplish more than worrying about who has to eat when and how to keep them occupied as I shop.

Happy Shopping everyone!

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