Wednesday, January 2, 2008

9 months

Hope is 9 months old already which means we went to get her pictures taken.

She is so cute. Of course she is not real fond of anyone she doesn't know so we didn't get huge smiles....but we did get some cute ones.

Isaiah is so funny too! He walked up while she was taking pictures and smiled and said cheese so she would take one of him. Then he sat next to Hope and put his arm around her and smiled again. Then he was done. He got his pictures and he was off.

We took Hope to her doctor's appointment last week too. She is 17 lbs 4 oz. and 28 1/2 inches long. She looks so petite though...completely opposite of my chunky Isaiah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

9 months where does the time go?!!!! Makenzie can't wait to see her and Isaiah! The whole time D was here she was saying "pope"...and "isaiah"...we can't wait to see you all!
love ya! :)