Thursday, January 31, 2008

I lost our bet...

I thought for sure Hope would be walking by now. I said by 10 months she will be walking. But that was a few days ago.

She has been standing and walking along furniture and toys since she was 6 1/2 months old. But she is not walking yet. She actually doesn't even like to try. She gets mad when you hold her hands to walk because she wants to get picked up and she just plops down on her bottom when you try and get her to stand on her own.

Oh well, I am sure it will come soon enough. But it seems like she wants to get around everywhere. I guess she is just content with crawling and hanging on!

Good thing I didn't really bet anything specific!!


Anonymous said...

Aunt Kim and I are figuring out how to respond properly so thie is a test

Anonymous said...

Okay that did not work this is another test