Friday, February 15, 2008


Yes...we are in Buffalo and the kids are playing in the snow!! Isaiah loves it outside and Hope is not to sure if she likes it. I took some cute pictures of them outside, but the camera cord is in the room where Isaiah is napping. I would usually sneak in, but the door is so loud and squeaky that it wakes him up when I open it. So I will post them later.

We are still looking for a house. We haven't found one yet. But this trip we need to find one and figure out the business situation. Lots to do!!

Isaiah all bundled up.

Mommy and Hope on the sled. We think she liked the ride =)

Isaiah and Hope relaxing on Hope's couch.

This was the weather in California before we left. No jackets, sun, and a wagon ride!!

1 comment:

Sumner Family Fun said...

they look cute! miss you guys!