Friday, April 25, 2008


Today as I was playing with Hope I was thinking about how different boys and girls are. I was thinking how God made us so different and it is not a learned thing it is just instinct.

For example, Hope is such a girl. She found this alphabet card game that comes in a box with a handle on it, and she carries it around like a little purse. It is the cutest thing but...I didn't teach her this...she just did it. Another example was when we were just at Presley and Lily's house and she saw a baby doll, she just picked it up, hugged it and walked all around with it. (I really need to get her some girl stuff...hint hint to those out there who just asked what she needed for her birthday!! :)

Isaiah on the other hand sees or hears a plane, truck, car, or train and know exactly where it is and what it is and every single name of every kind of truck. Believe me even some books are wrong....and he will let you know.

So as I was thinking of this post to write today....Tonight something so cute happened. Isaiah was playing with some of his stuffed animals and smelled one of the animals behinds (yes a boy thing) but then he diapee. So he went over and got wipes, a diaper, and one of Hope's onesie's and went to change his animals diaper. I would have never imagined that a little boy would do that. It was so adorable. After we got him all dressed, he kissed him and said Night, Night. Then laid him down and covered him up. Needless to say, Isaiah is now in bed with his newly diapered friend.

Weird how you can see so much of a difference in them but how they surprise you too! :)

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