Friday, January 9, 2009

Holiday Catch Up

We have been busy, as usual here, and I know I haven't posted in awhile. I will catch you up on all that is going on here...and then I will not be posting for a few more weeks...we are going on vacation!! :)

We had a very blessed Christmas with lots of family around to share it with. Dave's parents were here and so were Doug, Carrie and the gang! We missed you Dani and Gary:)

We spent Christmas Eve with my family at my Grandma's house. It is our tradition. She has had Christmas Eve every since we were little. It has grown and grown and now she has seven great-grandchildren there!! We went to church first and met my cousins and their children there. They saved us some seats!! Thank you!! So much better than standing. Since we went at 4...the kids were starving so we fed them dinner there....Well...some of Isaiah's came back up right before communion...all over the floor and on his cousin Olivia. She was so good about it and didn't even cry. What a big girl! (She is the same age as Isaiah). Then off to my Gram's. We had a great time seeing everyone and the kids had a great time playing. There are always tons of gifts under the tree, but usually they are not for any of us. They are for the kids that have godparents there...and our kids godparents are not there. Anyway...we were about to leave when they said your kids have to open their gifts. I was shocked to see that they had gifts. My Grandpa's friend, who does not know any of the kids....bought all of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren 3 gifts each!!! I could not believe it. First of all he does not even know have of the kids and he was not even there to see how much he made those little ones night! My Aunt Mary and Uncle Craig also bought the kids gifts. They didn't want anyone to be left out. They were so thoughtful!

On Christmas day...the kids faces were so adorable when they saw all of the gifts. We do not teach our kids about Santa Claus. They never have asked..we never brought it is just about Jesus and His birthday. The gifts were from whoever they were really from and they loved them. Isaiah was really protesting about Christmas because he wanted it to be his birthday not Jesus'....but after we opened gifts he really started to understand more about it. He is growing so fast. After opening to the kitchen to start Christmas dinner. We had Dave's parents, my parent's, Doug and Carrie and the kids and Josh and Melanie and their kids as well as Auntie Lil. Dinner was great...but the best part was yet to come. For all of you that have been know our house has a stage on the third floor....Well after dinner we got a great show put on by all of the kids. They worked so hard on it and it was wonderful. It reminded me of my childhood. Every year at my grandma's house, all of the kids would go downstairs and put on a play or sing Christmas Carole's. It was always so much fun. I am so glad that everyone could come and I hope it starts a new tradition every year. Isaiah really wanted to be up there...and finally made his way in and copied the kids dance moves. Then it was his turn and he sang and dance.

New Year's Eve we spent at Josh and Melanie's house with Doug and Carrie and all of the kids. We had such a great time. They are so creative! We played games and ate a ton a delicious food and the kids had a blast all playing together. We were home and in bed before the new year...but we had a great day!!

New Year's Day...Dave left for Hong Kong like he always does for the big toy fair. We miss him very much and are looking forward to seeing him on Monday. We are going to meet him in San Jose where we finally get to meet our new nephew Zachary!! And then we are off to Hawaii! I will post when we get back and tell you all about it!

Here are some updates about the kids:

Isaiah is becoming such a lover. He tells me and my Mom everyday that he loves us! :) And when I went to a doctor's appointment the other day...when I came home he told me he missed me. So cute! He also is being nicer to his sister (most of the time!)...the one day Monica hit Isiah hit Monica for her...not nice but being protective of her. Dave always tells him that he needs to protect her...I guess he forgot to mention not to hit girls though.

Hope is talking so much now. She is just starting to put two words together but most of the time you can understand what she wants. She is so funny right now too. If you ask her where anyone is she will say "home" but if you ask where Daddy is she will say HonKon (Hong Kong). Too cute. She watches everything you do to. Tonight she took Mr. Potato Head's eyes out and flipped them over so they looked like little cups. Then she took her finger dipped it in and put it in her she was putting in contacts. It was so adorable....better watch what I do..ha ha!

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