Saturday, February 28, 2009


Dave and I attended a Marriage seminar today that was put on by Focus on the Family called Focus on Marriage. People from across the US and Canada were at the web simulcast....over 70,000 people in all!! They had 5 speakers and Jeremy Camp was the worship music. He is amazing.

All of the speakers were so different and we liked all of them. I am just going to share with you one thing that was said because it spoke so deeply to me and I think it will to you too.

The first speaker Gary Thomas was amazing. He said when he realized this "one" thing, it changed the way he looked at marriage and at his wife.

He starts out saying how much he loves his kids and he thanks God for them everyday because they ultimately are God's children. He only wants the best for them and that means a great spouse and marriage (his kids are older).
Then he thought about his wife and how her parents probably wanted the same thing for her. That his wife is also God's child. She came from God and she should be loved like God loves his children. So in essence...God is like our Father-in-law.

Think about that....I know how much I love my husband and my kids, but when I think of it like makes me want to treat my husband and kids so much better. And when you pass away and have to answer to God, how could you ever tell him that you couldn't love his children.

During this Lenten season, I really want to embrace this everyday. I bought one of Gary Thomas' books as well as another speaker that was there. I will let you know how they are when I finish them.


Carrie said...

How wonderful for you both and your marriage! I am so happy the speakers spoke to your heart in such a way to inspire you to work a bit harder. I will be praying for you this Lent for fortitude!

Sumner Family Fun said...

What an amazing thought Mich! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

So good to hear about the seminar. Those are wonderful ways to enhance an already loving marriage. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure it will help others.