Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sorry for the Delay

I found out on Monday that I passed the diabetes test. YES!!! Thank God!!! I couldn't imagine going on a crazier diet.

Right now most dairy does not agree with me and the I have not had ice cream in 5 months!! crazy since I crave it!!! So that is one thing I am hoping I can have after the baby is born. Hopefully the baby can handle dairy when I am breastfeeding.

Thank you for the prayers! You are all amazing!


Aunt Kathy said...

So happy your okay. Feel bad for you with no ice cream!!!! You need to stop at Andersons on way home from delivery!

Carrie said...

FOr some reason your blog isnt loading in my dashboard...I just thougfht you wern't posting....So happy to hear you dont have diabetes.
You look great you carry so well...if I looked that good pregnant....

Kiss the kids for me they look so big...Ana stared at Isaiah dressed like the prince...can he dance with her when we come visit???

Love and miss youn guys..oh and i will send you our list ..I'm not as organized and ready as you are...still thinking....

Aunt Kim said...

That's great news - the part about the diabetes testing. But how awful that dairy is not agreeing with you. That's not deprive a pregnant woman of ice cream;-) Hopefully things will return to normal after and the baby will be okay for dairy, too.