Monday, March 28, 2011

Night 2 Without the Pappy

Hope did great! Dave put her down and it only took her 30 minutes to go to sleep. She only cried for a few minutes!! She did wake up a few times but Dave just covered her up and she whimpered a little bit. She still asks for it every night but is going all night without it! I am so proud of her! We went to buy a little gift for giving up her pappy...(I was going to buy it anyway but it worked out perfect that I could buy it for this occasion)...she got a Dora suitcase for all of our travels! She was so happy and rolled it around all day. We are also cutting nap time...only due to the loss of her pappy. I didn't want to make her upset about it. She was only sleeping about 45 minutes if she would go down anyways. I think she needs an occasional nap...but I think it will be in the car. Keep the prayers coming!


Aunt Kathy said...

YEAH HOPE! Giving up the pappy is huge. I do remember what a big deal it was to both of my kids.

dani said...

Post another one chick! Miss you guys!!! XOXO!