Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Lots of Updates

Sorry we have been busy and I haven't been able to keep my blog up to date...(Kerri!)...but here are some updates on what has been going on here.

Hope does have an intolerance or allergy to something that I am eating. We went to the doctor and she no longer has blood in her stool....meaning that I did a good job not eating any of those foods for 2 weeks and also that her intolerance is mild...If it was severe...the diet would not have helped that much. So I can start to add back in foods like eggs, fish, shellfish, nuts and peanuts...slowly and one at a time to see how she reacts to them. But I cant add milk or soy yet. We have to see the doctor again in 2 months. She is really starting to get better. She is smiling a lot and more happy...we just have to get over her colicky time from 5-8:30 at night....Hopefully that will be gone soon!! =) She also has a bad case of baby acne....so I will not post any pictures until after so that she will not be mad at me one day! Ha ha!

Isaiah...we still have not heard about his test but do not expect to until next week. He did however get a horrible rash on his bottom. I called on Friday night and they said it could be a yeast infection and to try some cream on it and...if it isn't gone by Monday come in. So of course it wasn't gone and we went in (I feel like I live at the doctor's offices right now!). Good news was it wasn't a yeast infection. Bad news was...something he is eating is making his bowels acidic and actually burning his skin...Ouch! So we think it is apples. Dave started to give him apples last week every morning and that is when the rash started. So we are going to stop feeding him that and see if that is the cause.

Isaiah also finally cut one of his molars and the others are coming very soon. He does still cry out at night but only for a couple minutes and goes back to sleep. He is getting used to his sister crying and it doesn't bother him that much.

We are also going to try and start using the potty with Isaiah....since his new thing is to pee on you every time you change his diaper. I am not necessarily potty training yet....I just don't want to get peed on...so I will just sit him on there when I change his diaper!

Mrs. Socha is going in tomorrow morning for her surgery. Please pray for her and healing for her.


Anonymous said...

Well,you have been busy. Glad to hear about Hope having a mild intolerance to something in your diet but will miss her pictures. Maybe if she gets baby acne she will bypass teen acne. Sorry to hear about Isaiah's possible allergy to apples. Sounds like he is progressing nicely into toddlerhood...molars, sitting on the pottychair. It also sounds like he is settling nicely into having a baby sis. I will be praying for Mrs. Socha and the family. I will be waiting for your wonderful updates.

Anonymous said...

I will pray for Dave's mom and family.
Since your Uncle is so deathly allergic to peanuts it was always a concern of passing on that allergy--there is some controversy about eating peanuts while breast feeding as it may put the baby at higher risk for that allergy. Some say it is not proven but it is such a horrible allergy anything you can do to prevent it is worth mentioning. Keep on mind your uncle is a walking allergy but he does fine--

Kate said...

Aunt Jeanette is in my prayers. Please let her know that I love her and am thinking of her every day.

I hope that little Hope gets through her colic soon. Sam had colic something horrible, but it passed after 3 months. Those were some long evenings!