Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I know I know...

I know that I said that I would post pictures over the weekend...but our weekend flew by.

With Isaiah not napping in his crib and Hope being really cranky... I didnt have a chance to blog.

Isaiah is now in his big boy bed. Dave has been staying with him until he falls asleep and then comes to bed. Then he goes in when he wakes up. He has not slept through the night again since we have been home. For naps....I have been letting him take them downstairs on the couch. When he is tired...he asks for his milk and we lay down on the couch together. He even sleeps through all the noise of phone calls, Hope crying and talking. Can you believe it??

Hope has been very crabby and pukey the past few days. We called her specialist last week but he was on vacation so we decided to wait until Moday to call him but....when he didnt answer and had a full mailbox we called his urgent doctor on call. She did increase Hope's medicine so hopefully that will help. Poor thing!

Hope rolled over today!!! Yeah!!! I usually do not put her on the ground because when she lays flat she chokes on her spit up or when you pick her up she spits up. But...I decided to put her on her mat to see what she would do. She gets up on her side from her back but cant get over yet although she tries. But when I put her on her stomach...she actually lifted her head up great (which she wasnt doing before we left) and then all the sudden over she went. She is so wiggly that I knew she would roll before Isaiah did.

I will try and post pictures soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, lots going on in your house. Hope Isaiah is adjusting to his big boy bed and that you are adjusting to Hope rolling over. First it is rolling over, then sitting up...I don't have to tell you where it leads. Enjoy it all!