Friday, July 13, 2007


It is hard not having Isaiah nap in his crib/bed. The past few days were great where he would just cuddle up next to me and fall asleep on the couch. But yesterday he would not fall asleep. He finally crashed at 3:15 and then we kept trying to wake him up but he wouldn't until 6pm!! So....he didn't go to bed until 10...which is so unlike us.

Today I finally got him to nap at 1. I can get him down if Hope cooperates with us. She either needs to be sleeping or in her chair or swing. That way I can lay next to him, give him his milk, and read him some books until he falls asleep. I definitely miss his crib. It was so nice just to put him in there and walk away knowing he was safe and that he would take a good nap.

We finally put Hope's crib together. The poor thing was still sleeping in her bassinet which she was too long for. It took forever to put her crib together but it looks great....although we have to return her crib mattress. It is too small for the crib...who knew they made different sizes. She did sleep in her crib last night. It was an adjustment for her but hopefully she will like it and will start sleeping longer through the night. I think when she slid down her mat and touched the bottom of her bassinet it was waking her up. We will see.

Dave has had some issues at work this he has not been sleeping good.The saying "when it rains, it pours" is definitely true. Please keep him and his company in your prayers. (I will explain more later =)
Have to run...Hope is was a nice 15 minute break!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope napping is going better with Isaiah. It is true that when it rains, it pours and life can truly be challenging! Please try to keep in mind that each day is a present and we can only do what we can do. Remember to pray.