Sunday, December 16, 2007

A couple of things...

1. I thought you might like this story....

The other day we were in Target shopping with the kids. We were looking for some boxes and Isaiah was getting antsy. So we gave him a roll of wrapping paper to play with. Then all of the sudden he is yelling gun, gun, deer, deer, turkey, turkey. People were laughing as they walked by. I guess he has watched to many hunting shows with Grandpa Joe.

2. Lights...

Isaiah LOVES Christmas lights. My friend Jill has been telling to go to this one street up here in Valencia. So last night we went. There were so many cars and people there. Every house on this street was decorated. I have never seen so many lights. Luckily we found a parking spot and walked all along the street. Each house has a sign that tells a part of the Night Before Christmas story so by the time you get to the have read the whole story. Isaiah couldn't believe it and neither could we. It must take them at least a week to decorate. In order to get Isaiah in the car....we had to drive through it again. We will definitely be back to see them again soon!!

3. Hope....

And who could forget about Hope. She is doing well being off her medicine. However, she wants to be held all the time!! I don't know if there is any correlation between the two but, I can't figure out why?? Any ideas??

4. Playdate

Jill stopped by the other night with Lily and Presley and the kids had a blast...even Hope and Lily. They couldn't believe all the kids. Hope was so funny. Lily was in her exersaucer and Hope was standing on the other side playing with her and touching her head...and getting a little rougher and rougher...I think she thought since she was bigger she could pick on Lily like Isaiah picks on her.
Presley and Isaiah have so much fun...However...they do like to hug and kiss a lot! They are so cute together!

That is about all here except trying to finish up the Christmas shopping! Hopefully I will be done soon...9 more days to Christmas!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

can't offer any ideas about baby holding...I have my own armlovingdonteverputmedown
infant that I am dealing with over here.